Befriending a guardian dragon

in Freewriters5 months ago

source picture generated by @wakeupkitty host of this contest

✅ what i see
Deep in the mountains, you see a guardian dragon protecting a sacred mushroom.

✅ what i feel
The guardian dragon has colorful wings and seems to possess great power.

✅ story
James was a prince and heir to the Philadelphia Empire, and he was filial.

His mother, Olivia, fell ill with a mysterious illness and became increasingly weak.

He searched high and low for a cure, but all the doctors could not find the exact cause of her illness.

Among the elders of the empire, Duke Richard was a man of wisdom who had served the empire for many years.

He was the mentor of James, the heir to the throne.

“Prince James, what is your mother's condition?”

“Master, my mother is becoming increasingly frail. We are unable to find the exact cause of her illness.”

“An old legend says that deep in the Rocky Mountains is a sacred region, and there is a mysterious mushroom that can cure any illness.”

“Is that legend really true?”

“There is said to be a guardian dragon that guards the mushroom. If you see the dragon, it's most likely true.”

James prepared to travel and headed to the Rocky Mountains in search of the mysterious mushroom.

“Mother, I will find the mushroom that is said to cure any illness and bring it back to you. In the meantime, be well,” James thought.

James searched high and low in the Rockies, but the mushroom eluded him. His food supplies were nearly depleted.

By the end of the month, he had reached the depths of the Rocky Mountains.
James was so tired and exhausted that he slept for a while.

When he woke up some time later, he saw a lot of mushrooms in front of him.

And in front of him, a dragon with really colorful wings was glaring at him.
“How did you get in here?” the dragon asked James angrily.

This mysterious area was protected by a powerful dragon magic binding that prevented humans from entering.

James had broken through it.

Seeing the dragon guarding the mushrooms his teacher had told him about, James fell to his knees and pleaded with the dragon.

“My mother,” he said, “is ill, and her body is growing weak. We have tried everything to cure her, but we have been unable to find the exact cause of her illness and she is dying. Please take pity on me and allow me to take this mushroom.”

“You can't.” The guardian dragon refused James's request.

Undeterred, James pleaded again.

“Please take pity on me and tell me how I can take the mushrooms here. If I can't take the mushrooms to cure my mother's illness, I can't leave this place.”

The guardian dragon recognized his fervent filial piety.

“Very well. Then I will teach you how.”

“If you duel me and win, you may take this mushroom.”

The dragon transformed into the form of a young man.

The dragon and James decided to duel without weapons.

They used their fists and feet to attack and defend.

After dozens of attacks and defenses, they were sweating profusely.

It never seemed to end, and they were both knocked out.

“It's been a long time since I've had such a great fight,” said Yong. The dragon said.

The dragon had spent his time here alone, defending the mushrooms.

His thirst was quenched by a confrontation with James.

“Befriend me, brave one.”

James befriended the dragon.

The guardian dragon was deeply moved by James' filial piety toward his mother, and now, as a friend, he allowed him to use the mushroom to heal her.

James took the mysterious mushroom, cooked it, and gave it to his mother.

She enjoyed her son's mushroom dish and was cured of her illness.

James and his guardian dragon became friends and shared a friendship.

✅ Followers Giveaway 🎁
I'd like to share some of this week's author rewards.
This week, I'm giving away 1 HSBI to 10 lucky Friends.



What an unusual and thoughtful story. I wasn't prepared for the dragon to transform into a human and request a duel to satisfy a request. Interesting story line. I love it. Embedded into the story is the dragon's knowledge of the human dynamic of family and loyalty. The dragon recognized this in the boy and was touched. I have a feeling that even if the boy lost, the dragon would have devised another game to give the boy another chance. This feeling came from the dragon once being human. Perhaps something tragic happened to him that he must now dwell far away from others and live as a dragon.

Thanks for sharing this lovely story. I loved the ending. Take care.

Thank you for your support.
Always be healthy.
Have a nice day.

First of all: Thank you so much for thinking of me and the reward. 🤗

This is a lovely story. The best part is the dragon turns out to be a man and the two become friends. This moment is well described and feels pure. Not a moment I thought he only does this to receive the mushrooms.


The beloved mum is recovered, a friend is gained, what more can you ask from life, heh, heh, heh, heh.

James must have been a brave and good fighter for the dragon to confess that it's been long it fought that hard and even allow him take a piece of the mushroom for healing.

Yes, that’s right.
Have a nice day. 😀

You too 😊

What a nice story @veryhappyday while reading, I picture out everything that happened in my mind. I even imagine the faces of the characters in the story.

Your story speaks of a great friendship that resulted from a place of pain and hopelessness. I'm glad that James' Mom was eventually cured. A great story.

Thanks for joining pic1000 and sharing this awesome entry. 👍

Your story is very interesting. There is nothing we won't do to save our loved ones if we had the power to do it, and your story shows that.

Thank you so much for the HSBI, I really appreciate.

A dragaon turned to a human and befriending James. This story shows even dragon has souls , as it provided mushroom to heal James mother.

Thank you very much, my dear friend. 😍

Nothing goes for nothing. Even a fight is considered a bargain..haha.

This an interesting story, A son's love for his touching😌

My sincere appreciation for the recognition @veryhappyday
Thank you 😊 ❤

Thank you very much for the great give away @veryhappyday. Am highly grateful and elated 😊. This means alot to me 🤗

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Thank you for the reward. I appreciated it. 😊 Have a nice day.

Nice story with a nice message 💪

Thank you so very much my friend for the gift, you have a large heart.