Wizard and Dragon

in Freewriterslast month (edited)

source picture generated by @wakeupkitty host of this contest

✅ what i see

It's evening time and you see a large bookstore in town. You see a huge, fearsome dragon. There are a lot of people on the street.
You see Halloween pumpkins.

✅ what i feel

Is the dragon actually a living being? Or is it a statue?
If it's a real dragon, people are scared out of their wits.

✅ story

Enigma Bookstore is a bookstore that sells science fiction, fantasy, and mystery books.

For Halloween, the bookstore set up a pumpkin in front of the store.

James is a 15-year-old boy who is very fond of the fantasy genre and enjoys reading fantasy novels.

Late in the evening, James enters Enigma Bookstore wearing a top hat and a cape.

The first of every month is the day they release a new book, “Wizards and Dragons”. Today is the last book.

This book is about a wizard who tames a dragon in a time when magic still exists.

The wizard meets the dragon and they form a friendship and grow together.

The wizard becomes a 7th circle wizard, and the dragon grows and becomes
the best dragon ever. Humans have a lifespan of about 100 years, and dragons have a lifespan of 15,000 to 20,000 years.

After spending a lot of time together, the wizard realizes it's time for him to return to nature.

The Wizard: “My friend, I think it's time for me to return to nature”

The wizard tells the dragon that it's time to say goodbye.

Dragon: “No, my friend, please stay with me a little longer”

Dragon: “I, the dragon, will give you my heart”

The dragon offers to give the wizard his heart, the source of his life.

Wizard: “I can't do that, it's time for me to leave and return to the natural order of things.”

Wizard: “Instead, I will put all that I am in this ring.”

The Wizard: “If you find the owner of this ring one day, my friend, please take good care of it.”

The wizard puts everything he has into the ring, and tells the dragon to take good care of the ring's owner when he finds him in the future.

The wizard engraves his name and the dragon's name on the ring and draws a heart in the center.

Lying in bed, the wizard quietly closes his eyes.

Hot tears flow from the dragon's eyes.

James is sitting in a corner of Enigma Bookstore, reading the final installment of “The Wizard and the Dragon.”

As he finishes the last chapter, James' eyes fill with tears.

Tears come to his eyes as he thinks about the final goodbyes of the wizard and the dragon, their intense friendship, and their parting.

With every meeting, there is a parting. With parting, there is a new meeting.

Just as I'm about to close the last chapter, a ring falls out of the book.

James looks around to see if someone dropped the ring, but no one is there.
He picks up the ring and examines it.

It's the same name he saw on the ring in the book.

James puts the ring on. Instantly, all the memories of the wizard's life and all his legacy flow into James.

After a moment, James realizes that the book was based on fact.

James exits the bookstore.

James sees a dragon in front of him.

People don't seem to see the dragon.

The dragon made sure that only James, the owner of the ring, could see him.

The dragon is a fearsome creature, but to James, it is a friendly friend.

Dragon: “Good to see you, my friend”
James: “Yes, I've been waiting a long time. Good to see you, my friend”

A thousand years later, the wizard and the dragon began a new relationship, with James now the owner of the ring.

✅ Followers Giveaway 🎁
I'd like to share some of this week's author rewards.
This week, I'm giving away 1 HSBI to 8 lucky Friends.


Thank you for reading my post. 😀


Awwwn... A very touching story of friendship beyond Time. I'm so happy the dragon found another friend after such a long wait.

A friendship that would not die, awaiting the next worthy person to have the ring ... well done!

Thank you for your comment.
Have a nice day.

You're welcome!

The story unfolds the touching relationship of the Wizard and the Dragon. Nice story line depicting a strong friendship between the two and the entry of James which makes it more clear about the book and its characters.

Thank you for your feedback.
Have a nice day.

James was lucky to get the wizards ring. Now, imagine having a dragon that trusts you. I think that's a beautiful thing.
Nice story and good use of the prompt. Cheers 🥂

Thank you for your feedback.
Have a nice day.

It was a good thing that James who loves the fantasy genre visited the bookstore. By the name of the bookstore, he knew he'd locate a book to his liking. Since he was the first person to view the new book and read to its end, he was rewarded with the discovery of the ring in the last chapter.

A lovely story of friendship and companionship in a fantasy setting. Thanks for sharing. Take care.

Your heartfelt comments make me happy.
Always be healthy and happy. 😀

A captivating story of a friendship that spans through time. The dragon must have waited for long for a worthy friend like James.

Thank you for the gift @veryhappyday 🤗

Thank you for your comment.
Have a nice day.

Wow! I love the story @veryhappyday It is a story about trust and genuine friendship of the wizard and the dragon. I also like the part on which the wizard reincarnated in the person of "James". Very nice story @veryhappyday

We're glad to hear you enjoyed it.
Thank you for your feedback. 😀

You're welcome @veryhappyday and I am excited to read another amazing story on your next blog @veryhappyday

The story is nice. It caught my interest and read everything. 😊 Thank you.😊

Thank you for the reward.😊😊😊

Such a lovely expression by the dragon. It teaches the sacrifice of true love

It feels as if the boy changed into the old wizard. A lovely story.
Thanks for joining pic1000. 👍