
"You are the first who visits me this year," I said, "can be even the only one who did during the past three years."

My answer was a reason to be surprised but not to be silent and understand my needs aren't the same. I like to be alone. I don't need to hold someone's hand or to cook for someone. I like to sit and sleep alone not to be touched and I need time to wake up alone in my rhythm. It gives me stress if people talk to me pull at and push me if I am tired or don't feel well which happens frequently. More frequently than anyone can imagine.
I don't want to say or explain why I can't do what others do, can't eat what others eat, why I don't like to be surrounded by smokers and drinkers and can't open my eyes when I wake up. Why I can't walk and am always in pain and don't like to share the bathroom and clean up others their mess and wash their clothes.

I don't like hours of discussions about topics I already know it's not worth discussing because people are different, they see the world differently and because of how we were raised we all are unable to try something new and see it from a different angle. If the minds are made up it's not worth discussing anyway unless you are great at misleading people and abusing their trust in them.


I am not a fool and I know how scammers work which isn't different from commercials and those we know. It's all about manipulation, a threat that means abuse of feelings and trust. You could say trust is a big part of misinformation but that's not how I see it. If you trust someone this trust is frequently based on what you want not on reality or experience. We love to believe our family, partner, children and best friends can be trusted but in reality, this isn't true and the opposite.

The prompt is written in bold and provided by @mariannewest

IMG-20191129-WA0000.jpgHe/she said something - I buried him


I have the same problem, it does not happen every day but sometimes when I wake, I can not get my eyelids to open. Do you have any idea what causes this?