Pen or Sword


What to write about sword...

A double-edged sword seems hard to handle, I mean seriously how to play safe if it cuts on both ends or sides?

Fall on your sword has a lot in common with saying: Drop dead while thinking preferable on your sword. Kind of suicide just a bit more difficult unless the sword is double-edged.

Hang up your sword is a piece of good advice if you are invited for dinner. I guess there's a hook somewhere in sight. Weapons shouldn't be used by children unless you want American issues.

He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword, is more like wishful thinking but far from reality. I would say: Be careful what you wish for. Before you know it happens to you. Karma is a bitch and if you set up a trap for someone else...

Put to the sword, put or foot? Ok, I skip this one. No idea, let's put the kettle on and have a cup of tea. Ginger or some herbs. I noticed the peppermint was sprouting again.

Sword and sandal both sound Roman and remind me of a friend. Marco did do the Roman cosplay... Swords, harnesses, sandals, playing battles, fun fighting. I assume Italians against Rome-Italians. The fake Romans you find in the centre at touristic spots. Always good for taking a picture with a scammer in plastic unless you prefer other scammers. The price asked for a photo is 500 euros. Don't forget your wallet.

Sword of Damocles, aah we all should know what this means. Most likely you do not because you rarely read and if only small parts of the text. That's how it works, this platform included.

Swordplay is a forbidden play, game. Children are no longer allowed to play with swords, no matter if these are wooden sticks. It stimulates aggression. Strange all those cartoons never did. It isn't allowed to buy swords, cross borders or take a flight with a sword although I am quite sure I can seriously harm a person with chopsticks, a hairpin, a ring, a pencil or a knife with a blade shorter than 6 centimetres.

Wilkinson Sword razors. Wilkinson, really how did you manage to get your name on this list? I heard it before but if it comes to men and shaving the first slogan and brand that pops up in my mind is: Gilette, the best a man can get! There you go, but hey man, shaved is shaved so each knife is fine.

The pen is mightier than the sword, now you tend to believe I agree... LOL, what shall I say? It counts for a handful but not everyone. You can write but if no one reads you, your words are in vain. So are the words you spit out to a deaf man's ears. He won't hear you either do those full of themselves although you might be their enemy and before you know you are removed from the scene. It can be the newspaper will state you fell in your sword, the one with the two sharp ends while shaving with Wilkinson trying to put your sandal on which is the result of living with the sword.

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