Don't Bite Me

in Freewriterslast month

What is wrong with you, child?

She regretted she'd saved the strange kid out of the river and adopted it. It wasn't because he had six fingers and toes but because of his strange habit of biting her.

Don't bite me, she'd thought more than once. At first glance, the baby looked normal although it didn't have the looks of her and her people.

Don't I feed you enough, are you hungry?

Could it be the hunger for fresh meat or did it crave for blood? She already lost a few fingers to the child and a part of her bottom missed. The only bright side she healed fast but nevertheless, it was inconvenient.

A solution was hard to find. It felt as if the entire nation had gone wild since this creature arrived. Had it spread a virus or worse was it the threat her ancestors had warned the nation of for over a hundred years?

Armageddon, stop it, please. I told you do not bite me.
The little demon looked at her in surprise.

Mommy, I love you I could eat you.

A few sessions with some specialists will help you to handle your negative feelings towards this lovely child ma'am, the psychologist said while stroking the child's back. It was the last thing she did. The little monster snapped, got wild and finished the doctor. It was the last time they met a doctor and the session did not even start.

Session over?

She nodded. There was no need to harm others for her lack of sense. She should have let the child drown or if she hadn't interfered the child would have floated to a world where it belonged.


The days passed slowly. She tried not to think about what happened outside of her palace. At night when the boy was asleep she stood in the darkness and looked at the country she once loved. It had become silent outside but also inside of her residence. One by one the servants disappeared.
The worries about the child took all her attention off what surrounded her and concerned her.
At the end of the morning of April's fool, the door swung open and the noise she had hurt for a week entered her private domain.

The guards stormed inside and changed into bloodthirsty creatures right before the boy intended to bite her leg. Kneeled at her feet he clung to her like he'd done many times before. Although, her words never impressed him the sound of the bloodthirsty surrounding them did.

Two, four-fingered, clawed-handed, multiply-headed and bodyless creatures reached out for the woman the child considered his mother. Within a few seconds, he reacted. Like a tornado, he finished the attackers without biting them once. He did not try to drink their blood. Surprised she looked at her little devil.

Session over, he said as each one of her attackers fell and turned into ashes.

Armageddon. She spread her arms and embraced the child, holding it tight to save her day.

I love you, the boy said.

I love you too my brave son. You can bite me anytime.

A tear fell as he bit her chest on his head. She no longer cared about the pain, not the why. What he did was a sign of love. Now she knew and the monsters were gone, there was a chance to teach the child how to express deep love differently.

Prompts: bite me + session over
Picture: source


This is nice using 2 prompts in a single day! Hats off to you!