Meeting The Devil

in Freewriterslast month

A knock at the door, who can it be? A quick look at the agenda... No, today no one is scheduled.


Mister Evil, long time not seen.


By now you should know you can't show up just if you feel like it.

Madame, please, spare me a minute of your time. Ah, I see you will have a lunch break right? I can offer you a meal and some red...

Devil! Stop it! What is it you need this time?

To be honest I don't know. It's more that I feel a bit empty inside lately. A I have lost something there's a void or some hole. Before you ask I checked there isn't a leak. I leave nothing behind if I move forward and as you know I can't eat or drink so no way I can fill it by stuffing myself in the way you do. I wonder if you can help me. What do you say, ma'am, do you like a deal, shall we shake hands?

I doubt you have something to offer, sorry but my bills can't wait till you decide to pay. We both know you didn't fulfil your last debt and I won't wait till eternity, nothing is for free Mr Evil! Now, out of my way, I'm in a hurry, you are a spoiled apple in a basket no one likes to see let alone meet. Please, leave and close the door behind you. I have an appointment goodbye.

source first picture
Prompt: meeting the devil
see here by @daily.prompt

Note: It's strange Mr Evil violates Bing's rules and so does "the bad man" the "therapist" even if it's "fantasy" or a "fairy tale", Bing blocks, blocks and blocks but... "meeting the devil" isn't a problem and the devil seems to have a clear face. AI knows how to picture Mr Evil and doesn't care about the fact he comes in different shapes to drive one insane by the words of priests, with filthy tricks shown by "decent" old men.



Meeting the devil isn't an obligation, Mr Evil can be dumped and given a shot through his head. There's no need to feel pity for a rotten apple who feels pleasure in crushing others. Who do you think the devil in the next picture is?

