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RE: A Park Forgotten

in Freewriters4 years ago

It's going ok for the current circumstances. I admit I am weary of all of this. I've lost faith in our governing bodies locally and just want to get out and have a little bit of relaxation time. I am happy to report that my cat seems to have healed up pretty well since his scare. He had urinary blockage and a few trips to the vet. It has set me back a little bit but he's alive and doing okay. There's too much stress going on with the lockdown seemingly neverending. Hang in there, my friend. I will, too.


I hear that on being weary and the faith. Some days are so overwhelming that it takes all I can muster to stay intact. Life outside of my home (meaning work) is adding to the stress. Makes me wish more and more that I could work from home. If this lockdown crap happens all summer, it can lead to trouble. Am already sick of the mandatory masks and wearing gloves. That is scary with your kitty. Hope he heals quickly. I will hang in there to the best of my abilities. :)

I cannot imagine having to wear masks and gloves daily. Ugh! It is beyond my scope. I give you props. My thoughts are with you.

Thank you :) It is frustrating to have to do this. A lot of businesses are requiring it. It's funny though, (but said sarcastically) that I have seen mail carriers and package deliveries only wearing gloves, if that. It's sad we have to worry about being fired or fined if we don't use ppe. I bet if everyone stood up for their rights, this would have ended.

I agree with you. Hugs... hang in there.