The One it Costs a Life

in Freewriters2 years ago

Oliver heard the shot as Mel was climbing the side of the bridge below the vicarage

Mel heard it too. They both stopped and looked in each others direction.

"That was from the Protest ground" Oliver said.

Mel frustrated, replied "When do you think they will stop?"
"I really hope no one got killed tonight"

"That's the price for freedom, it doesn't come easy" Oliver retorted.

Mel sighed

*"Let's hurry home, Mama will be waiting" * Mel said

Susan looks at her wristwatch for the 100th time, her daughters should be back, it was way past their curfew.

She continues watching the drama on the TV , hoping they will get home soon.

Oliver and Meg were good kids, they will surely have a reasonable explanation for running late.

The male and female character on her TV were arguing.

"You would not understand why I had to steal the Eye" the male character said.

"Oh, To get rich?" The female character screamed

"Cause Who the fuck steals the eye of a fish? " She added

A laughter erupted in the background of the movie. Susan also laughed loud.

The stray orange light from street lamps shone to light their path home. It was late.

"The protest must have blocked the busses path, We should have left earlier" Oliver said.

"My legs are killing me" Mel said.

Oliver drew her closer and laughed, "we are almost home" She said as she rubbed her shoulders.

They heard the sound of feets running from behind them, the voice of three officers shouting "Stop there" repeatedly.

The girls looked back to see four figures running, they couldn't make out their faces yet.

Mel gripped Oliver's hand as they move aside.

The Cops and Criminal were getting closer to them, the girls heard another Shot.

Mel panicked. "'Did they Kill him? "

She saw the criminal run past them, he wasn't a criminal. It was one of the protesters and he still had their shirt on.

The cops, ran past them not long after.

She was relieved, he wasn't dead.

"I was scared for a second," Mel said.

But, Oliver has been quiet.

She looks up at her and saw her blank face.
She slumps towards Mel and they both fell

And right there she saw her sister was covered in blood.


Written for @mariannewest weekend freewrite. The three prompts are highlighted boldly in the story.

It's fun doing freewrites! You should Join too.😌💕

Picture source: Pixabay

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