Me tranquiliza tener tu amistad || I am reassured to have your friendship

in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)



Buenas noches mis estimados escritores de Freewriter, reciban mi más cordiales saludos y un fuerte abrazo.

Good evening my dear Freewriter writers, receive my warmest greetings and a big hug.

Pensando en en medio de mi soledad me vino a la mente un lindo recuerdo que jamás podre olvidar, ese momente en que extendiste tu mano y me enseñaste a valorar las lindas cosas que tiene la vida y yo no habia volteado a mirar.

Thinking in the middle of my loneliness, a beautiful memory came to my mind that I will never forget, that moment when you extended your hand and taught me to value the beautiful things that life has and I had not turned to look at.

Tal es el caso del sonido de la aves, aleteando sin parar, o el sonidis de las olas del mar que me trasmiten tranquilidad.

Such is the case of the sound of the birds, fluttering non-stop, or the sound of the waves of the sea that transmit me tranquility.

Gracias a tu cariño y esmero hoy puedo contar sobre esas cosas que no esperaba encontrar y una de ellas ha sido tu amistad.

Thanks to your love and care, today I can tell about those things I did not expect to find and one of them has been your friendship.

Jamás imagine tener tu mano amiga en mis momentos de oscuridad, cegada por mi entorno y mis ganas de volar, envuelta en un encierro de soledad me encontraba y al fín hoy me pude liberar gracias a tu linda amistad.

I never imagined having your helping hand in my moments of darkness, blinded by my environment and my desire to fly, wrapped in an enclosure of loneliness I was and finally today I could free myself thanks to your beautiful friendship.

Hasta luego queridos amigos, bendecida noche.

So long dear friends, blessed evening.


Nice write up ✍️✅✅

Muchas gracias...

Welcome 🤗🤗