Seller's puzzle🥸

in Freewriterslast month

In my childhood, I was driven crazy by those vendors who would advertise their wares in a literal, tonal manner, making it impossible to understand a word of what they were saying... For example, there was this skinny, dark man who would stand next to my school and call out with his loudest voice: 'Shiha, Dawg, Dawg... As for his merchandise, it was something covered. You cannot know what it is. Perhaps it is fried frogs, fried snakes, or tank mines from World War II...
Curiosity kept getting the better of me, especially since I did not dare approach him to ask him what he was selling, and I had never seen anyone buy from him in my life, so it seemed that not all children knew what he was selling.
In the end, one of us dared to approach and reveal the cover.
· Then he discovered that he was selling a kind of candy ·· The phrase “shiha dog dog” is nothing but a nut in it, stretched and twisted, so that it becomes impossible to know what it is saying ··
Another seller would stand under our balcony every afternoon and shout:
Aaaa Aa, Oooooooo, as if he was a Tarzan calling his girlfriend Shita in the woods ... I asked all the members of my family about what he sells, and no one knows, and my father suggested that the man sells garbage bags, while my mother suggested that he sells a walk, a sane*· · ..
One happy day, a little girl approached him and he revealed to her the cover of what he was selling. He was selling yogurt, but please do not ask about the relationship of yogurt to yya”.

It seems that shouting is more important to him than selling, and he considers it an insult to shout in a clear voice: (Yogurt)!
This was my first lesson about advertising that makes you not buy anything. Then I began to discover this more clearly with television advertisements. There are advertisements that are keen to appear youthful and full of energy..
The young man speaks quickly and with words like bullets so that you do not understand a word of what he is talking about. Perhaps this is part of the psychology of advertising because one becomes crazy curious to know what this young man is advertising.
Is it a medicine to make speech incomprehensible?·· Or is it a kind of paint that makes the tongue slippery?··

The art of advertising that prevents you from buying the product reaches its peak with the advertising banners on the highway, where the speed of your car is not less than a hundred kilometers, and you see from afar that woman who is laughing in satisfaction.· Why?···
You come closer and see the name of the product that made you so happy, but it is written in a very small font. There is no time to check because the car behind you is going at the same speed as you. If you slow down or swerve to the right suddenly, it is most likely the end.

Even if you had survived, it would have been difficult to explain that you caused this disaster to know what commodity they advertised.
In the middle of the city and the crowds, things are different. You are crammed in the middle of hundreds of cars and there is a vague sign in the distance promising you eternal happiness. You cannot take your eyes off the road to read...
If you are lucky and can find out what they are advertising, you will find a long phone number that you cannot remember or write down.
If you went to the same place on foot, you would discover that you have to stand among the cars to read the sign, and this means that it is the end, whereas when you stand under it, it is not readable at all.

Until I began to think seriously about taking a digital camera to take a quick picture of the sign that I would analyze later. · There is an easier solution, which is to ask the person riding next to me, whether it is my friend or my wife, to quickly write down the number on a piece of paper, but you discover that he or she has a very slow understanding:
“What sign?”
“This sign?”
“Do you mean the one on the left?”
“Rather, the right one has a phone number on it.”
''There are two signs on the right ··''
“The sign that says: We will rid you of foot odor forever. Just call a number. What number?”
Here my friend looks at me or my wife looks at me and says in shame:
“Didn’t anyone tell you that I am short-sighted?”
Thus, the opportunity was lost. A week later, the sign disappeared, and another, more mysterious one came.
Yes ·· Propaganda is a complex art and I do not understand much about it, but I really want to know what they are advertising ·· This is one of my most basic rights as a human being.....
There is no doubt that I missed many rare opportunities due to the pedantry of advertising designers