Take care of your life

in Freewriters2 months ago

American actor Clint Eastwood, 95 years old, said in a moving speech recently
It's terrifying how to grow old, isn't
Here you see everything with your own eyes. Bones do not move smoothly, the sight of the eyes is tired because they lack light, and the lungs seize the opportunity to rest from searching for a very tired soul But what is more terrifying and tiring is when you reach ninety years old and do not find
One of the people you love near you listens complainingly to the stories of your history full of imaginary heroism, and you know that he is not interested, but you enjoy, as a grandfather, in transmitting what you deem appropriate to your grandchildren.
It is terrifying to be alone after everyone was looking for you, and in the end, after spending your life searching for light, you did not have a family, and you lived in the dark when you needed a hand to guide you to the light
They were interested in starting a family Running after fame is like ashes blown away by the wind
He didn't start a fire Nor did he stay in place