Duality (Original Poetry)

in Blockchain Poets9 months ago

Once we detach ourselves from the umbilical cord we feel separated, left alone to explore a dense world where time and space shape the coordinates of the frame. A Divine Spark apparently quenched in a body with a heart that beats and a crazy mind seemingly totally out of control is presented with a mad show.

We embark on this journey with a clean slate, naive and clueless. We observe and mimic those around us for years in a row only to realize that we absorbed their behavioral and thinking patterns like a spectator. Just like a movie character lost in illusion we dwell and add a few filters to the mix we consider our own.

As more and more scientists make astonishing revelations about the true nature of our reality, namely that we’re interacting with a holographic simulation, it’s up to us to alter the way we think and more importantly, perceive the world. Therefore, what’s the premise of duality under these circumstances?


Duality - Original Poetry by Krisz Rokk

Duality (Original Poetry)

They told us we live in a magnetic field
where positive attracts the negative
yin and yang, good and bad
are all part of the same thing.

Why is this strange phenomenon happening?
I question it, revealing a new perspective
one that aligns with consciousness
where awareness is part of eternity.

I play the game
tossing the can unconsciously
my DNA is an antenna
receiving binary codes
what a ludicrous way of thinking.

What is the mind anyway
two slides of the same shade
left and right hemispheres
keeping us from linking the highway.

My understanding is limited
full of patterns and coincidences
behaviors punished by perceptions
triggered from a database we allude to
as the home of our almighty five senses.

I stopped counting the moments of ecstasy
entangled in scents presented as fantasy
my dream state has disconnected from divinity
thus falling into the illusion of duality.

What a show put up by the architect of trickery
a trap to force me dislodge from infinity
bliss, joy, love and happiness
the beauty of oneness lies in front of me.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

Images: AI-generated image by @ifeherart via Midjourney


It is very interesting how you reflect life and the beliefs that are imposed on us during this arduous, rocky path. A beautiful poem.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

It's a rocky path indeed; very well put. Thank your for reading my poem. Have a wonderful day too.

Wow, you have quite a rhythm built into this poem with the use of words like divinity, duality, trickery, infinity. They act like rolling sixteenth notes being beat out on a drum. Very nice.

I like the drum analogy ;) Thanks for dropping by!

What a show put up by the architect of trickery
a trap to force me dislodge from infinity

I hear you saying this: We have been separated from our true natures, as beings of nature. They told us a great many false things to effect our willingness to get up every morning grateful for the shackles we wear.

As I read this, I become aware of a technology that has been used to deaden us, to enslave us. Some of the words used to effect this: magnetic, antenna, binary codes, slides, database.

Great poem! Pleased to meet you!

Brilliant analysis. Spot on!
Thank you for your kind words.
Pleased to meet you too!

Excellent poetry that flows nicely together as the poet points out the problem with day-to-day consciousness and the possibilities that exist beyond a mind that believes itself separate from the other. And a mind trick it is. Necessary for survival on this planet but probably limiting in other worlds of experience and dimensions of being.

Indeed, the belief of separation is a pervasive mind trick that keeps us trapped in this 3D reality to the exclusion of experiencing other realms. The survival game on this planet triggers a plethora of emotions that make it difficult for us to remember who we truly are.

Thank you for your kind words!

Thank you for using my art pieces 🙏

Absolutely! The images adhere well to the storyline.

Yay! 🤗
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