Overdrive (Original Poetry)

in Blockchain Poets5 months ago

A glitch on my computer caused by a VPN colliding with my latest Linux Ubuntu version made me open the terminal and venture down a rabbit hole of discovery. Little did I know (and expect) that I would end up on a very obscure coding path.

Windows was the OS that haunted me while working in the corporate world. Later, when I joined the entrepreneurial realm, I embraced the slickness and robustness of macOS. However, as time passed, I started being annoyed by different apps not working on older systems while also understanding big tech’s marketing bonanza to convince everyone with a pulse and a wallet to buy their next best thing for a “few” bucks.

As I uncover the fascinating playbook of Linux and its different distributions (distros for the geeks), I see myself driving on a nerdy highway alongside other amazing divine sparks unwilling to settle for the status quo.


Overdrive - Original Poetry by Krisz Rokk

Overdrive (Original Poetry)

The luminescent sky turned red
a perfect reflection of my inner state
when the feeling of abandonment questioned my path
rejuvenation welcomed the underlying wrath.

A beeping sound
a cursor waiting for instructions
here I am looking at the terminal:
Where are those commands that will help me solve this problem?

Technology disrupted current patterns
informational imprints causing havoc in the DNA structure
chains altered the wisdom of the old masters
dislodging the breaks that glued the familiar sculpture.

A flickering woke me up.
Picture this you little disciple,
self-esteem is built through disaster.
The blisters you gather are remarkable marbles
serving as models for an upcoming change
that will shape the world you perceive as a safe harbor.

Close the lid, walk away peacefully and ponder
upon the mosaic that was revealed to you
in the eternal weakness of the night
you graciously avoided the moment life got harder.

I hit the gas pedal to escape the shadows faster
only to realize that I’m stuck in a wheel like a hamster.
What a marvelous trap, a perfect illusion
designed with grandeur by the architect of evolution.

A clever game, a labyrinth, a maze
how is your soul going to behave
when the brain is on overdrive
and the heart twisted in a spiral?

I’m not afraid,
I came here to navigate
so get out of my way
if you want to see me play
or else I’ll stop to participate.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

Images: AI-generated images by Daniela S. via Midjourney


Always there is a battle going on between mind and heart, and centred soul is stuck in between of this battle.

Indeed, we are sophisticated beings trying to decipher and dance with our hearts, minds and soul.


Well written! Self discovery and resilience work closely together. Without resilience how do we navigate the challenges of life, without self discovery we don't overcome the problems of life.

Astute assessment. Definitely two essential ingredients to play in the labyrinth of life to ones best capacities.

A very intriguing poem with excellent rhythm and cryptic high-tech imagery. The structural shape of the whole poem is interesting, so I thought there might an overall cohesion, and it kind of looks like a rocket to me, but maybe I'm just seeing rockets everywhere. It is a high energy and high-octane read that sounds like it was written by Neo in the heart of the Matrix. A fun ride!

Sometimes when I fire up the terminal and hit a command like htop it definitely feels like Neo 😎It makes me follow the white rabbit🐇Wow, I never looked at the structure of the poem this way; cool perspective; rocket it is.

Computers are very philosophic devices, but we treat them like mere appliances sometimes. Poems like this one that use the language of computers mixed with high level concepts of being open the door to a new way of seeing.

A beeping sound
a cursor waiting for instructions
here I am looking at the terminal:
Where are those commands that will help me solve this problem?

Ah, the great, mystifying terminal in the sky, eh? I love the final verse. Navigate fearlessly, my friend. :)

PS: You're braver than I am, if my Ubuntu goes into the black, I just trust it over to the gods. I know I don't belong in the endless stream that is the terminal.

Ahhh, another Ubuntu fan, love it ;) Yeah, the terminal can be the gate to freedom or a curse ...