Lonely path ( Poetry)

In loneliness's embrace, I desired to shine,
A call of hope, in a world confined.
Each step, a whisper on paths unknown,
Behold, shadows loomed, as I stood alone.

Lonely sidewalks traced, my silent plight,
Endeavors to soothe, through the darkest night.
With every stride, a struggle to prevail,
Yet faltering still, as strength began to frail.

Lonely days, a pursuit to mend,
With a tireless journey, no pause, no limitation, no end.
Through trials endured, to set things right,
Still stumbling often, in the fading light.

Lonely Roads, my only guide,
Through trials endured, no consolation besides.
To bridge the gap, between dreams and strife,
Yet faltering steps, in the dance of life.

As life's pile crumbled, before my eyes,
No hand to grasp, amidst the demise.
Where once were friends, now silence profound,
In loneliness's grasp, I was bound.

Goods amassed, now tainted and decayed,
No cure to find, as hope began to fade.
In the waiting, in the search,
In the hurt, and the lurch.

A true friend emerged, amidst the fall,
To lift me, when I felt small.
In the depths of despair, He stood by my side,
In the dance of life, He became my guide.

Guess who?

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I guess this friend is God, but a dog would be also a nice solution for loneliness ;)

Yes, you are right. However, there are things a dog isn't capable of doing.

Very cool reflection usually touches sometimes walk the path but we must always have God's blessing at all times because HE will not leave us alone, thanks for this great poem ♥

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