The brightness of the mother nature

The sun, a lighthouse, shines down on all,
Each soul awaits its rise, its daily call.
Its rays disperse, a spread of energy,
A gift from God in nature's synergy.

Through every season, with beauty, it stands,
An evidence of its grace, by divine hands.
Its presence speaks of being extraordinary,
A light that makes the ordinary, extraordinary.

It banishes the night, the dark retreats,
At dawn, a new promise, each heart it greets.
With hope, it rises, inspiring every soul,
A chance to strive, to fight, to reach a goal.

Its setting brings not doom, but rest profound,
A respite for the weary, peace unbound.
A timekeeper, a giver of life and light,
A messenger of hope, guiding through the night.

Some may overlook its constant glow,
Yet absence makes their hearts more fondly grow.
Illuminating all, it leads the way,
A guide, a light, by night and day.

Darkness cannot comprehend its might,
Its presence is felt in every beam of light.
Farmers praise its touch upon their fields,
Its power is vast, and its strength is revealed.

Binding hearts, it fosters unity,
Through its light, a bond of harmony.
Revealing all that's hidden in the dark,
A force of God's creative, radiant spark.

It dispels confusion, clears the way,
Ignorance and doubt it sweeps away.
A guide to lost, it shines too bright to hide,
Evidence of God's light nationwide.


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Nature captivates