

Time slips away,
as expectations,
twist what may have at one time, been described as fate,
into some unrecognizable.
that run away with what could be,
find their bearing amongst the thorns,
that dare to be seen,
weary of the judgments that rain upon thee.
Self judgments,
that pierce the most fragile of hearts.
Self doubt that slashes through one´s armor,
tearing into the fragment of our existence.
These boundaries, that disappear,
all in this quest to be loved,
by those who can not give us, what we need.
To feed, our ego's,
in this desire to be needed,
to fix, the very thing that is broken within ourselves.
Unable to step away,
to see the bigger picture.
To accept our responsibility, for love.
I continue to fall.

 4 months ago  

You've received an upvote from the Blockchain Poets account. Thank you for submitting your poem to our community!

We should always have limits at all times, our dignity should not be at stake, not to depend on others because we ourselves are what we should be in charge of one way or another to be happy as much as we can, great writing, thanks for sharing ♥

Thank you, my friend xxx