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RE: I Belong: a poem.

I have had thoughts around this as well. At one time, I left all my social media off and left facebook. But I still use them, if for nothing, to connect with other writers, especially on Twitter, to get info on open submissions and most importantly, to share my work once it is published.

I like to think I am more constructive as to how I use my social media. One can get drunk on a the activities going on Instagram and twitter. I just stick to the things I'm interested in; writing and crypto. I ignore all else. For me social media is a necessary evil.

Lovely poem too. 🔥


Same on the Twitter thing. It's a good place to connect with writers, and I do participate in pitch fests. Finding a balance with SM is tricky, but worthwhile.

And thank you! 💕

Indeed it is. You are welcome.