I Belong: a poem.

Almost every day, I consider shutting off the social media machine and retreating from being "out there" in the digital world. I contemplate if it makes any difference to my work as an author. Does it help me when I'm lonely, or does it add to the sense of isolation?

I'm grateful for my friends, and at the same time, I get the distinct feeling that nothing would change if I disappeared. That no one would really care.

And that's okay.

Do I need to be so important that people flock to the words I put into a tweet or a FB post? Does it matter how many views I get on a TikTok video? Very few of these efforts turn into a book sale, or a real relationship.

Is it worth my time and energy? Am I having fun or wasting hours of my life that I'll never get back?

I don't have definitive answers to these questions that circle my mind. But I do have a little poem that was born of these ponderings...

I thought I'd share it here, as many of the relationships I've made in this blockchain are very real, and lasting, and cherished.


I Belong.

I belong to the trees.
To the mountains.
To the ocean, rivers, lakes.
To the wild places.

I belong to the sky.
To the songs in my heart.
To the music that feeds me.
To the stories that touch my soul.

I belong to my dreams.
To courage.
To kindness.

I belong to myself.

rainy lake.jpeg

Nature has always inspired and humbled me, has always been there to hold me at my lowest.

My creativity has been my savior, in many ways. It gives me purpose. Gives me something that is my own, in a world where it sometimes seems as if nothing I do matters. Creativity gives me a way to channel emotions into reality, or escape reality when that's what I want to do.

I do escape a lot. Into stories. Into fantasies in my head. Into music and entertainment. And social media, too.

Am I running away from the intensity of life? Maybe.

But sometimes, escape is what gets me through the day. And I'm okay with that. Sometimes, the stories in my head or the ones I consume drown out thoughts I don't want to focus on. Thoughts I don't want to allow.

Sometimes, escape is a gift. A mercy.

And sometimes, escape leads us back to who we are.

Thanks for reading!

Whatever happens, keep singing your song!
Peace @Katrina-Ariel / @LeiaTalon

All photos mine. Top photo credit: Nat Anfield.

Check out my books!

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, mama bear to twins, and author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance). She writes Fantasy as Leia Talon, including Shelta's Songbook, Falling Through the Weaving, and Dragons in the Weaving. Visit her website at www.LeiaTalon.com

complete duology.jpg


I can relate. I'm trying to use social media in a positive way, although I do often find myself doom scrolling when I want to avoid something. I try hard to use it creatively and not concern myself with how what I make is received. As I practice that philosophy, I pass it on to my son, aged 16 and also autistic, like me. It's really helping to form a tight bond between us.

I've been publishing my writing on my own website rather than on social media. Maybe Hive would be a good place for it too. I'll think on that.

Thanks for sharing


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Frankly I relate to that constant cravings for isolation, at some point I felt it was strange but you're totally right. We need to really outline the things that matter more in life and that's ourselves.
Thank you for sharing such inspiring poem.

Thank you for reading! I think I go on social media to feel seen, and sometimes that's important, having people to share my creations and thoughts with. But sometimes the best thing is getting out for a walk and unplugging from everything.

I totally agree with you 💯

I agree, escape is one of the best things ever to do. My VP and I agree that, when stress hits a certain level, we have cart-blanche approval to take a day off, venture into the woods, and spend the day communing with nature. Everyone needs to do it.

(Is that you in that picture stretching unnaturally backward?)

That is an excellent policy! A walk in the woods heals the soul.

Yes, that's me about 10 years ago, at the height of my yoga career, before kids. lol! I still do yoga but not as extreme as I used to do.💖

I shut down my FB in 2016 and never ever had Instagram, TikTok. Twitter is there just to share Hive content. And Youtube, well, that's my nemesis -- at the same time I know too much time goes into seeing useless videos, the platform still is an amazing source of knowledge. The first weeks without FB were cruel: nobody contacting me, no party invitations, no checking likes on that cool photo. Many contacts disappeared from my life, those who were not close friends but friends of friends whom I saw occasionally. Some of my real friends also disappeared; a handful stayed close by.

I'm grateful for my friends, and at the same time, I get the distinct feeling that nothing would change if I disappeared. That no one would really care.

I'm still waiting for some of my friends to call.. they won't, so I swallow my pride and call them. It is the way it is. It's more important for me that I care for ppl than having those yearly fake happy birthday messages from ppl I don't even know.

Btw, have you ever seen The Social Dilemma?

btw2, don't feel lonely, I still have a crush on you

Ha! You're so sweet. I admire your commitment to getting rid of FB.

Yes, I've seen the Social Dilemma. Great movie. I use FB for community contacts where I live, and am pretty good about not spending a lot of time there. I also need it professionally as an author, otherwise I'd torch my account. At least I'm aware of how it works, and can make decisions with that in mind.

Thank you for the thoughtful comment! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week.

That's my dilemma =/
I know social medias would help me a ton as an author/cyclist/traveler, though I don't feel like using them. What should I do? Damn.

How are your book sales? Bombing it or nah? I threw mine on Amazon hoping for the best and failed \o\

Book sales are modest, to say the least. Marketing is hard.

Yis, marketing kills me =/
I guess I won't become the next Jack Kerouac 🤣

I loved your poem, sometimes I have similar feelings. It's healthy to have these moments of introspection from time to time.

Absolutely. Poetry and nature always bring me back to myself. Thanks so much for the kind comment!

So beautiful poem, thanks for sharing!

"I get the distinct feeling that nothing would change if I disappeared. That no one would really care. And that's okay."

Perhaps it's ego, but I never can seem to get to that last point. It is okay if no one notices, because I know I always put in where I can. It doesn't matter if I'm noticed or not, my little inputs into the lives of others have effects far greater than I can imagine. But damn is it hard to actually swallow that. Especially after years of giving and feeling like no one gives in return, or worse, they don't care. Apathy from others is worse than hatred IMHO.

I love the poem, I need the reminder of what I belong to: myself, and something so much bigger than myself.

I hear you. I know I post on social media and here on Hive to be seen, to share who I am because part of human nature is to connect. I know I've touched the lives of others, and yet sometimes I feel so insignificant. I guess humility is sitting with that and not being bothered. We are rather small, when compared to the ocean and sky and mountains and time.

Thanks very much for the thoughtful comment. I'm so glad you liked my poem.

I have had thoughts around this as well. At one time, I left all my social media off and left facebook. But I still use them, if for nothing, to connect with other writers, especially on Twitter, to get info on open submissions and most importantly, to share my work once it is published.

I like to think I am more constructive as to how I use my social media. One can get drunk on a the activities going on Instagram and twitter. I just stick to the things I'm interested in; writing and crypto. I ignore all else. For me social media is a necessary evil.

Lovely poem too. 🔥

Same on the Twitter thing. It's a good place to connect with writers, and I do participate in pitch fests. Finding a balance with SM is tricky, but worthwhile.

And thank you! 💕

Indeed it is. You are welcome.

That is a really Beautiful poem ♥️
And you are seen 😍
I get what you saying and we go online to connect and to be seen, but important to not forget about life outside of media to.
Like you I LOVE NATURE 🥰😍
And nothing is more peaceful and healing that being outside in the woods, by a lake, beach or just stand on rocks and looking at a beautiful sunset or view.

There has been time I want to Hide to and just fall into a Great book or movie, or just be alone.
But I do love the only places I do spend time at online.
I am here on hive, discord and I play splinterland. But there isn't really any other places I am. NO twitter, fb or what app or what the call it snap Chat.
I only share my photos on insta gram cause my coworkers and family is there. Otherwize this is my home online.

I love your mind and creativity,
and you are a inspiration to so many.

Thank you for being YOU and I always miss you when you are gone.
Much love 🤗♥️🥰😍😘🤗

Thank you sweetheart. It's so good to find kindred spirits here. I'm always on Discord if you need me. Big hugs!

So you still there at times?
Then I will send you a little dm ♥️
And you can answer whenever you can, I know time zone and busy times happens. Love you 🥰


How my thoughts are. :P

Great poem sweets, good to see your fingertips on Hive again!

Always good to be here and connect with my friends. Thanks for seeing me and supporting me as you do. Sending love!