Biće koje je oplemenilo svet ~ A being who has ennobled the world

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)


Biće koje je oplemenilo svet je domaća mačka. Čovek nikad nije pripitomio mačku. One su samovoljno počele da žive pored ljudi i sa ljudima i zbog toga su pomalo ostale divlje u srcu i slobodne i nezavisne u duši.The creature that has ennobled the world is the domestic cat. Man has never tamed a cat. They arbitrarily began to live next to people and with people, and because of that, they remained a little wild in the heart and free and independent in the soul.


Mačke takođe mogu samostalno da žive u divljini. Nikakvim učenama ili dresurom ne možete naterati da uradite nešto. Ne možete je naterati ni da vas zavoli, ona će se vezati za vas samo ako osetite emocije i ljubav. Mačka je mali mesožder, veruje se da je njen predak bila afrička divlja mačka.Postoji mnogo različitih vrsta mačaka i ima ih u različitim bojama.Cats can also live independently in the wild.You can't make a student do anything. You can't even make her love you, she will only become attached to you if you feel emotions and love. The cat is a small carnivore, it is believed that her ancestor was an African wild cat. There are many different types of cats and they come in different colors.


Ona zajedno sa njenim visoko razvijenim čulima vida, ukusa i dodira čini mačku sa veoma dobrim osećajem životinja među sisarima. Mačke su poznate po svojoj čistoći. Komuniciraju glasom (mjaukanjem), predanjem, frktanjem, režanjem, škljocanjem, i sa još oko stotinu drugih glasova, kao i govorom tela. Mačke koje žive u grupama koriste kombinaciju glasova i govora tela za međusobno sporazumevanje.Together with her highly developed senses of sight, taste and touch, she makes a cat with a very good animal feeling among mammals. Cats are known for their purity. They communicate by voice (meowing), surrendering, snoring, growling, clicking, and with about a hundred other voices, as well as body language. Cats that live in groups use a combination of voices and body language to communicate with each other.


Domaća mačka razvijala se spontano širom planete, potpuno savršene u svom postojanju.Mačka koja bi baš u ovom času mogla da leži sklupčana na vašoj sofi ili zuri u vas sa osmatračnice na vrhu policije sa knjigama, zadržala je brojne instinkte iz vremena pre pripitomljavanja želju za lovom, patroliranje teritorijom, čuvanje teritorije od drugih mačaka; mačke su mnogo bliže precima od pasa. Naše pripitomljavanje mačaka samo ih je delimično izdvojilo iz divljine.The domestic cat developed spontaneously all over the planet, completely perfect in its existence. for hunting, patrolling the territory, guarding the territory from other cats; cats are much closer to ancestors than dogs. Our domestication of cats only partially separated them from the wild.


Uzmite na primer način na koji se mačke češu o vlasnicima to se nekada smatralo obeležavanjem teritorije, kao što divlje mačke rade na drveću ili drugim obeležjima teritorije. Ali kad one rade na ljudima, to je obično znak vezanosti - mačka prebacuje vlastiti miris na vašu kožu i istovremeno prebacuje vaš na sopstvenu dlaku. To rade divlje mačke sa drugim mačkama sa kojima su u savezništvu. To je način da se stvori jedinstveni miris koji razdvaja prijatelja od neprijatelja.Take, for example, the way cats scratch their owners, which was once considered marking territory, just as wild cats work on trees or other landmarks. But when they work on people, it's usually a sign of attachment - the cat transfers its own scent to your skin and at the same time transfers yours to its own hair. This is done by feral cats with other cats with whom they are in alliance. It is a way to create a unique scent that separates a friend from an enemy.


Dakle, kad se sledeći put vratite kući i zateknete mačku kako vas u tišini proučava sa kauča ili lenjo zeva dok se gega hodnikom, nemojte biti razočarani. Na vlastiti, povučeni način, one vam saopštavaju da im je drago što vas vide.So, the next time you come home and find a cat studying you in silence from the couch or yawning lazily as it stumbles down the hall, don't be disappointed. In their own, withdrawn way, they tell you that they are glad to see you.


I slikari su kroz istoriju obožavali mačke: Leonardo, Renoar, Klod Mone, Gustav Klimt, Anri Matis, Pablo Pikaso, Endi Vorhol… spisak je predugačak, jer očigledno da kreativnost i mačke od pamtiveka idu šapu pod šapu.Painters have adored cats throughout history: Leonardo, Renoir, Claude Monet, Gustav Klimt, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol - the list is too long, because it is obvious that creativity and cats have been going hand in hand since time immemorial.


Mačke su u Starom Egiptu imale status božanstva kao zaštitnice letine, a samim tim opstanka i života. Velika mačja boginja Egipćana zvala se Bastet. Grad Bubastis u delti Nila bio je posvećen ovoj boginji i mačkama uopšte.Tamo se svake godine održavala svetkovina i ceremonija u kojoj je učestvovalo po nekoliko stotina hiljada hodočasnika iz celog Starog Egipta, u čast mačaka i njihove boginje zaštitnice.In ancient Egypt, cats had the status of a deity as protectors of the harvest, and thus of survival and life. The great feline goddess of the Egyptians was called Bastet. The city of Bubastis in the Nile Delta was dedicated to this goddess and cats in general. Every year, a festival was held there in which several hundred thousand pilgrims from all over Ancient Egypt took part, in honor of the cats and their patron goddess.


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Engleski nije moj maternji jezik, pa se izvinjavam ako ima grešaka u kucanju. Nadam se da me razumete. Pozdrav dragi moji prijatelji, vaša Mari!English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are typos. I hope you understand me. Greetings dear my friends, your Mari!

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Thanks a lot!

Cats are the coolest.

Yes, I love them.

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