A a well-known place for walking... 🥰🌸

in BANATlast year

#SublimeSunday is created by @c0ff33a 🌼 and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108 🌼


Somehow I'm lazy today, I can't get up, and then I slowly prepared juice and breakfast....


I was thinking of going for a walk to the hill, and then let's do this and that, and I could also do this... And so I spent half the day tidying around the house... And then lunch and let's go... and that was it it's already half past five 🤣


In the end, I gave up and decided to go to the old brick factory... Now everything has turned green...


I went to the other side now, to investigate what has changed there....I was surprised by a lot of blossoming plums...


Only a little sun was missing, because by the time I arrived... the clouds had also arrived...


There was more water than I remember, and I couldn't really go up and walk by the water....
Once upon a time, in a similar place, I wanted to pick something and in my shoes I stepped to reach... my foot completely sank into the mud 🤣
I pulled my leg out and barely got my shoe out of the mud 🤣


So now I'm really careful when I'm exploring around ponds, and where there's water...🙂


went a little up, a little down... tried to see if there were any ducks or swans...
But I barely got one or two ducks... And I managed to sneak up on one and take a picture of it 😁


Today I liked the silence, the walk and the tour of a well-known place for walking... I just had to find new paths....🥰


Thank you very much for visiting my blog ❤️

Have a nice evening ✨


Yes, the green would have been better if accompany by the sun.

Yes, sunlight changes everything...☀️🙂