What a wonderful day 🥰☀️🌸☀️🌸

in BANATlast year

#SublimeSunday is created by @c0ff33a 🌼 and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108 🌼


The sun...clouds...a little warm, a little cold..... The view of the plain blew me away..how much space around me, and I'm only aware of it when I look from above....


These days I like being alone whenever I can be that, just to be silent and
. Only my sister went with me on this walk, and we mostly keep silent and walk....

The view from this part of the trail extends over the entire city... In the distance, you can sometimes see Mount Avala, which is located near Belgrade...


From here you can see neighboring Romania...


Nature has woken up, green slowly begins to dominate, the slopes are full of flowers... The smell of pollen in the air.... walking along this path is a real cure....


Until the trees turn green, you can see the city as we descend to the
Challenge cafe...


On one part of the trail, there are rocks that are used for climbing and practice for anyone who likes to literally climb rocks....


These were young people who tried to climb the rock. They were looking for a way to overcome this slanting rock, which had nowhere to grab hold of..


And a little further through the branches of the city.. from here you can see the whole city..... I took photos in parts of the city, it is spread out on this side....




We reach the cafe and from there we quickly get to the car....



I also come across a peach blossom that stands out with its pink color next to the path...



Here we are coming, the clouds are dominating now, the sun is slowly disappearing...


We had just reached the city and went in to buy some supplies when it started to rain... Heavy downpour..
And on the way out of the store, after the downpour, we were greeted by a rainbow...


I hope you enjoyed this walk with me...

Thank you very much for visiting my blog ❤️

Have a nice evening ✨


Wow, can see to Romania and a chance to catch a rainbow at the end.

Thank you so much @ace108 🥰🌸