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RE: Wallet, Better Tips, Cross Posts and More

in About PeakD4 years ago (edited)

Awesome, keep up good works.

I really like the tipping feature, cheers to you and cardboard. Hope to see it encouraged more and more and various creative use cases increase.

RE: New Cross Post format
Please let us know if you have feedback or suggestions regarding this change.

I think the changes are good.

Is there any way you can warn user who are double-dipping the reward pool by voting both original and cross-post? This is frowned upon. Please consider to indicate the 2nd vote (I suggest a nacho with an obvious bite mark about to be dipped into the guac again !o.0! and perhaps warn them with a kind suggestion to refrain from double-voting either when choosing to vote on a cross-post or when cross-posting?


Is there any way you can warn user who are double-dipping the reward pool by voting both original and cross-post?

Payouts are automatically declined on the cross posts and the vote gets routed to the original post.

Cool, I thought it was a default option and not a forced thing. That makes my suggestion irrelevant.