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RE: Future of PeakD design and a discussion with @ryzeonline

in About PeakD3 years ago

Yes, I see this efforts and regularly add my upvote to intro posts, there are also introduction and introducemyself tags used more sparsely. However this, and love sniper efforts to share this posts is basically it.

Data shows it's clearly not enough, retention is still low, and as long as new people won't be able to meet their friends here, we need to create as much welcoming and helping environment as possible. We can create first impression only once.


There could be more at play as in regards to retention perhaps everyone's buying Hive and just playing Splinter lands
Thanks for the heads up I will be more mindful about this

I'd probably just model Reddit or some other successful project on this:


Could be applied to the feed in general, specific communities, or both. 🙏