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RE: PeakD AMA - Ask your questions (Live Responses tomorrow)

in About PeakD4 years ago
  1. trying to onboard new users is hard when to explain how Hive works and all the info someone must consume to understand it, have you guys thought about making a start here page for new users with tutorials, videos and maybe even a chat for people to ask questions and stuff like that?

  2. now with Bee-chat on showroom and lensy will you guys look into implement it on peakd too?? cause that would be AWESOME!!

  3. talking about lensy and showroom any thoughts on maybe making a tab for artist photographers to showcase their work for sale on those sites? i know we have portfolio but if you dont make a post about it you dont get to show your work there, so it would be awesome to have some sort of way to link the nft sites with our blogs.

you guys rock and do amazing for our blockchain so just wanted to say THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for all you do!