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RE: Some Pictures of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Revisited

in STEMGeeks5 months ago

Interesting how many days you took to finally get a diagnosis in this case? It looks pretty complicated for sure.

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About 3 weeks, less than a week if the processing times had been cut shorter. Some of the tests were only done weekly because the reagents are expensive to just run on a whim, it had to be done in batches.

reagents are expensive

You work for a private or public hospital/institution? I had a pathologist friend in a hospital around here, he never complained that the hospital didn't buy a reagent, that is very alarming when the pathologist is concerned about the price of a reagent probably because the institution doesn't buy enough?

Enough is a tricky word to use since the problem isn't just having an adequate supply, it's the circumstances around like having the paperwork and justifying the timely purchase and factors that are outside the technical side and more of admin work. I don't mind these things because these are beyond my pay grade and I just work with what I find myself into.

You work for a private or public hospital/institution?


Ok now it is clear, the problem is bureaucracy! I feel your problem , I work for a gov. department right now and the project needs a cloud instance to run the system that I created. However, until now for 2 years almost, I still didin't get all the approvals to use the cloud instance from the administration.

Feels good that you brought up the B word directly as this was what I was thinking but had to state it indirectly. There's just stuff we can't control and leave it to the executives to make the calls and sometimes they just see operations differently above.