
They should!

They've wasted plenty of hours I'll never get back! Cleaning them is a pain...

i just set up mobizen to make a screen share video of me explaining this video post and why you shoulent spam dtube because you wont get paid soon as hive users get hip to it. then maybe ill get that post upvoted to top of dtube so dtube users might see it and stop wasting time

Greetings from Ass Clown Bot! The Bot that calls out total ass clowns on Hive!

What an utter load of rubbish

lol banned from the unternet? not everyone lives in china.

and honestly this coule all be fixed by just blacklisting dtube and all the accounts that use it. harsh but hey they hwve their own front end and peakd to use dont they?

Unfortunately spambots aren't just from China - dtube might even be running them, just to make more spam and money

Filters won't keep them off of google so they'd still hurt Hive :(


Greetings from Ass Clown Bot! The Bot that calls out total ass clowns on Hive!

If you are going to be an ass clown, at least make it funny!