Mi presentación

Mi presentación

Escribo esta presentación desde Bogotá, capital de un país que me abrió su corazón y me concedió una segunda nacionalidad. Mi nombre es Betsy, una curiosa combinación del nombre de mis padres. Mi apellido “Anciani” puede sonar italiano, pero no hay rastros de esos genes, hasta donde logra recordar mi padre.

Nací en Cabimas, una pequeña ciudad petrolera del Estado Zulia en Venezuela y crecí en otra ciudad muy pequeña, Ciudad Ojeda; hogar de inmigrantes de diversas nacionalidades, donde todos nos conocíamos y muy pocas cosas pasaban desapercibidas. No teníamos cine, ni tiendas de grandes cadenas. Lo mas exótico que teníamos era un McDonald’s. En esa misma ciudad estudié administración de empresas y conseguí mi primer empleo, tan solo dos meses después de terminar la universidad.

Mi madre me crio diciéndome frecuentemente “tienes que ser grande, tienes que ser presidente de una gran empresa”. Ella no había terminado sus estudios básicos, supongo que eso la llevó a insistir en que su hija obtuviese un título universitario. Así fue como terminé trabajando para una empresa petrolera multinacional gracias a mi dominio de un idioma extranjero, por encima del título universitario tan anhelado.

En ese que fue mi primer empleo, conocí a mi esposo hace mas de 24 años. Un ingeniero de petróleo, nacido en Colombia, que cambiaría mi vida de forma radical. Tenemos dos hijas, una que acaba de terminar sus estudios universitarios y otra que está a solo dos años de terminar sus estudios de bachillerato.

Durante muchos años, trabajé con mi esposo en la misma multinacional petrolera donde hacíamos un gran equipo. Luego decidí retirarme y dedicarme al emprendimiento, a estudiar y finalmente convertirme en profesora universitaria y decana de la facultad de administración de una universidad privada.

Nuevas noticias cambiaron nuestros planes. Mi esposo había sido contratado para trabajar en México. Vivimos en Villahermosa por poco mas de dos años, donde formé parte de la Escuela de Escritores de Tabasco; luego vivimos en Bogotá por tres años, donde me reencontré con mi habilidad culinaria en una academia de cocina para aficionados.

Nos enviaron a Houston por tres años, donde conocí a una dama encantadora de la India que me enseñó sobre el coaching a través de su especialidad: la nutrición. Pero justo en la mitad de ese espacio de tiempo, nuevas y no tan agradables noticias sacudieron nuestras vidas.

Retornamos a Bogotá y después de haberme retirado de mis labores profesionales durante diez años, encontré la manera de volver a estudiar, de actualizar mis conocimientos y probar mis habilidades de oratoria y liderazgo en una magnífica organización internacional.

Hoy les comparto con orgullo que soy Coach certificada y en medio de varias preparaciones, logré reencontrarme con mi carrera profesional. Grandes aprendizajes y oportunidades han llegado a mi, gracias al poder de las relaciones con grandes amigos y conocidos que me acompañan alrededor del mundo y en mi segunda patria: Colombia.

Me apasiona la lectura y la cocina. Conversar es mi deporte favorito y tengo pendiente escribir uno, dos o más libros.

Tengo mucho que contar, mucho por compartir. Espero que mis aventuras, aprendizajes y experiencias, pueda servir a otras personas que desean sacarle el mayor provecho a esta maravillosa jornada que llamamos “vida”.

My presentation

I am writing this presentation from Bogotá, capital of a country that opened its heart to me and granted me a second nationality. My name is Betsy, a curious combination of my parents' names. My last name, Anciani, may sound Italian, but there is no trace of those genes, as far as my father can remember.

I was born in Cabimas, a small oil town in Zulia State in Venezuela. I grew up in another very small town, Ciudad Ojeda, home to immigrants of various nationalities where we all knew each other and very few things went unnoticed. We had no cinema, no big stores. The most exotic thing we had was a McDonald's. In that same city, I studied business administration and got my first job just two months after finishing college.

My mother raised me by frequently telling me "you have to be big, you have to be president of a big company". She had not finished her basic studies, which I guess led her to insist that her daughter get a college degree. Despite that longed-for degree, it was my mastery of a foreign language that led me to work for a multinational oil company.

In that first job was where I met my husband more than 24 years ago, a Colombian-born petroleum engineer who would radically change my life. We have two daughters, one who has just finished her university studies and the other who is only two years away from finishing high school.

For many years, I worked with my husband in the same multinational oil company where we made a great team. Then, I decided to quit and become an entrepreneur. I also studied and finally became a university professor and dean of the administration faculty of a private university.

However, important news changed our plans. My husband had been hired to work in Mexico. We lived in Villahermosa for a little over two years where I was part of the Tabasco School of Writers. Afterwards, we lived in Bogota for three years where I rediscovered my culinary skills in an amateur cooking academy.

Subsequently, we relocated to Houston for three years where I met a lovely lady from India who taught me about coaching through her specialty: nutrition. But right in the middle of that period of time, big and not so pleasant news shook our lives.

We returned to Bogota and after having retired from my professional work for ten years, I found a way to update my knowledge and test my public speaking and leadership skills in a magnificent international organization.

Today, I proudly share with you that I am a certified Coach and in the midst of several preparations, I managed to find my way back to my professional career. Great lessons and opportunities have come to me thanks to the power of relationships with great friends and acquaintances, which accompany me around the world and in my second homeland, Colombia.

I am passionate about reading and cooking, conversation is my favorite sport, and writing one, two or more books is on my bucket list.

I have a lot to tell and a lot to share. I hope that my adventures, life lessons and experiences can be useful to other people who want to make the most out of this wonderful journey we call "life".


Welcome to Hive, Betsy! It's great seeing another coach here on Hive. My partner @ryzeonline and I are teachers and we 'coach' people on growing their business and now we're pivoting and teaching the Law Of Attraction. I love having more people here that help people!

You might like some of the entrepreneur groups here... Entrepreneur Hive and Hive Hustlers are two that I am a part of too. I run Beauty & Brains which you may or may not like lol depending on how open-minded you are.

Since you're new to Hive I'll share @ryzeonline's Complete Hive Guide For Beginners that can help you navigate Hive a bit easier. I also have it in Spanish which I translated

And here's a few posts that Jay wrote that you may also find helpful...

One on Quality Content and Headlines & Thumbnails

Wishing you much success here on Hive.

Much love,

Soy Colombiana pero criado en los estados unidos. Es un placer conocerte.

Hi @cynshineonline!

Thanks a lot for your warm welcome and thanks for the useful information! I´m reading it to learn how to use Hive.

I´m a Career Coach and help people to have a better professional journey through their strengths, soft skills and other.

Big hug for you!

Hello @betsycoach! This is @indayclara from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

Do check out different communities which you might be interested in here: Communities Incubation Program.
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And lastly, if you have questions or concerns, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Hi @indayclara!
Thanks a lot for your kind welcome and great tools.
I´m so excited of this new opportunity.

Warm regards,


Welcome to Hive! 😊

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Bienvenida @betsycoach a esta linda plataforma, estoy segura que tu crecimiento personal y vivencias serán de gran aprendizaje para muchos y un gran motivo de superación para nuestra gente inmigrante que a veces necesita historias inspiradoras como la tuya para saber que no hay que parar, es necesarío avanzar a pesar de las mil dificultades que nos ponga el universo-. Bienvenida y que consigas acá el mejor nicho para crear tus contenidos.


Mil gracias @fotomaglys por compartirme esta maravillosa oportunidad que me permite disfrutar de uno de mis mas grandes hobbies: escribir!!!!

Welcome to Hive @betsycoach! 😃 Like any challenge you seem to have conquered in life, I hope you find it to be an enjoyable journey into the communities here 😄 Cheers! 🥂
D.Buzz is a great place for you to freely express what you want with our microblogging platform. Feel free to make an introduction post and let the community know who you are. 🐝

Hi dear friend 💚

First of all, thank you very much for visiting my page and supporting me
I read your complete biography and enjoyed it very much
I hope to see new posts and news from you soon
There is a strong and happy woman in your face and smile, and it gave me a great feeling 😍

Be happy and healthy 🌷

What a loving family
God bless you