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RE: Mi presentación

Welcome to Hive, Betsy! It's great seeing another coach here on Hive. My partner @ryzeonline and I are teachers and we 'coach' people on growing their business and now we're pivoting and teaching the Law Of Attraction. I love having more people here that help people!

You might like some of the entrepreneur groups here... Entrepreneur Hive and Hive Hustlers are two that I am a part of too. I run Beauty & Brains which you may or may not like lol depending on how open-minded you are.

Since you're new to Hive I'll share @ryzeonline's Complete Hive Guide For Beginners that can help you navigate Hive a bit easier. I also have it in Spanish which I translated

And here's a few posts that Jay wrote that you may also find helpful...

One on Quality Content and Headlines & Thumbnails

Wishing you much success here on Hive.

Much love,

Soy Colombiana pero criado en los estados unidos. Es un placer conocerte.


Hi @cynshineonline!

Thanks a lot for your warm welcome and thanks for the useful information! I´m reading it to learn how to use Hive.

I´m a Career Coach and help people to have a better professional journey through their strengths, soft skills and other.

Big hug for you!