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RE: A Brief Jaunt to Spain and Goin to Church

in Worldmappin3 years ago

I ignored the do not touch signs everywhere

Haven't you read the Old Testament story about Uzzah touching the ark of the covenant? That's how you get yourself smitten by God dude.



That's why it's called Old Brandt. The New one makes it a lot easier to get smitten.

I guess I've been doing the bible wrong this whole time. So I should stop starting my campfires with pages from the New Testament?

I mean if it's all you got, God won't mind, it's written on your heart. I hear twigs and brush, dead leaves are decent ignition.

But the bible is so much drier.

I've played with enough fire, I'm cool now.

You're going to hell for that pun.

So far so good no thunderbolts or lightning, I'm sure if I ever come across the Ark it would cause some serious problems. 😁