Visita al Jardin Japones πŸŽŒπŸ€ / Visit to the Japanese Garden πŸŽŒπŸ€

in Pinmapple β€’ 3 years ago

Uno de mis tantos tour de conocedor por Chile, me habian comentado sobre un jardin japones ubicado en el parque metropolitano aqui en Santiago. Asi fui a conocerlo con mi esposa.

One of my many connoisseurs tours of Chile, I had been told about a Japanese garden located in the metropolitan park here in Santiago. So I went to meet him with my wife.

Arbol Araucaria / Araucaria Tree

En el camino nos topamos con un arbol originario de estas tierras un arbol "ARAUCARIA" o como en lengua indigena "PEWEN". Es una especie de pino pero con muchas ramificaciones de verdad un arbol que llama mucho la atencion.

On the way we came across a tree native to these lands, an "ARAUCARIA" tree or, as in the indigenous language, "PEWEN". It is a kind of pine but with many branches, it is truly a tree that draws a lot of attention.

Mi esposa y yo / My wife and I

Entrada al Jardin Japones / Entrance to the Japanese Garden

Ya una vez llegado al jardin habian unos escritos en Japones, una vez dentro se podian apreciar las diferentes fachadas del lugar, estructuras de madera, estanques y toda una recreacion total de un jardin al estilo pelicula.

Once at the garden there were some writings in Japanese, once inside you could see the different facades of the place, wooden structures, ponds and a total recreation of a movie-style garden.

Mi esposa y yo disfrutando del Jardin Japones / My wife and I enjoying the Japanese Garden

Descanso despues de tanta caminata / Rest after so much walking



ImΓ‘genes propias / Own images Β©2021, @critic-on.

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@livinguktaiwan Thanks for the dimensioning, the project is really interesting ... Greetings anyway!