Meeting a Bear Along the Stoney Trail

in Pinmapple11 months ago

Kananaskis Alberta is a nature lover's paradise. Just east of Banff in the Canadian Rockies, this large park consists of thousands of square kilometers of wild lands. We often go hiking here because it's less crowded compared to the National Parks and it's closer to Calgary, being just about an hour drive West.


The Kanaskis River valley meeting with Stoney Creek, you can see Mount Baldy in the middle. This photo is unfiltered as are all of them, the colours just happen to be vivid. Yes, you can find turquoise water north of the Caribbean.


Our hike begins in the Barrier Lake parking lot, it's the easiest way to access some great hikes in the area. One day I promise to collect them all in a single blog for those interested in visiting. We go hiking every weekend but have barely scratched the surface of what is available-the combined park system is larger than 1/4 countries.


We walk along the Barrier Lake earth dam. This is the only way to access a large area as there are no bridges across the river below the dam and in this area the canyon is particularly steep. The area we hiked in is beyond this canyon and the loop starts on the other side of the dam.


Barrier lake with Mount Baldy in the Background. This is a popular place to relax on a hot Summers day. I've never been a beach guy and it's not warm, much of the water comes from glaciers and mountain streams, it's too refreshing for me.


Once you pass the dam, you can follow the power lines or the trail. We like to do a loop so it's one on the way there and one on the way back. This does provide a great line of sight. And is looking back towards Mount Baldy.


After walking for 5 to 6 kilometers we came upon a meadow clearing. Some people access this from the highway and group camping at the Ranch Rd. Access point just past the Kananaskis turn off. This field is the half-way point, we turned towards the river to loop back.


They had a camp where people would ride horses to and have lunch. Since it was unoccupied, this was the perfect place to stop for a break. There was a group rafting in the river below. Another popular activity in these parts, especially in the Spring when the water is high, Kanaskis river isn't quite as big as the Bow River but it does seem more adventurous. You can float down the Bow on a cheap blow up toy in the late Summer- thousands of people do it while concealing alcohol on hilarious blow up toys, it would be funny to see some serious rafters pass by.

The path back follows the river, it's longer but much more scenic. We wanted a long flat, easy hike as I was trying to get my steps in.


Frequent stops to take in the panoramic views are a must.


One wants to pay attention to the details too. There are flowers and signs on animals everywhere. On the bottom right it looks fresh, and from a Bear. They like munching on Dandelions.


We rounded the corner and I spotted some black dot, it looked like a bear, unfortunately it was between us and where we wanted to go, so we had to head left, towards the Canyon. It looked large and I don't really want to get close to a bear when we are alone in the woods. This was in early June and it could have been a mother with her cubs. While cute, it's not my family.


The bear was alone but it was big. Black bears aren't as dangerous as the Brown Grizzly bears, but we still gave it a lot of space. I carry bear spray but have no intention of using it, it's best just to go around them and shout if they start comming at you. Pro Tip: Don't spray it into the wind.


Unfortunately, that lead to a wild detour. With the Canyon on one end, the bear and mountain on the other end we quickly lost the path in the deep woods. This is why you go with at least a GPS app and a charged phone, we knew we would eventually lead to a path and avoid going down into the canyon.


Upon our wandering we found an abandoned pit, or mine shaft or well. There were no signs and it was a few hundred meters from any trails. I just thought it was neat. We weren't in the mood to hang out and just wanted to go home after having hiked for almost 15 km at this point.


Finally, we reached the path, right by the lake again, walking through the woods is slow and annoying. Always pack long pants, sturdy shoes, bear spray, an emergency pack and some extra food/water. You never know what will happen.

All Photos taken with an S22 and unedited


Wow, exciting. Lovely photos, but seeing the Bear would have been a highlight for me, not a detractor. Best to keep safe distance as you did.

Thank you, we love seeing wildlife. One day it is my dream to see a Cougar, Lynx or a bobcat. Bears are common and very visable.

Oh wow! I have never seen a bear from so close by even though there are plenty of them where I come from. I would probably turn around and run back to the car 😁

We also have this turquoise water in Switzerland, especially in mountains. Actually, this places reminds me of Swiss mountains a bit.

Thank you for sharing!

Anytime. We kept our distance. The entire park system is about as large as Switzerland when you combine them all maybe bigger. Switzerland has 100x the people and development though, but the mountains are taller and far older.

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What a beautiful day to be immersed in nature

It was an excellent day. Hopefully we get a couple good months this summer

Bears are terrifying to me. I'm glad there are none around these parts! 🤣
Great shots!!!

Thanks, you just don't want to sneak up on them. We have seen half a dozen this year already but usually next to the road

Shoot! You actually saw the bear! WOW! The sky is so beautiful. Such places are called serene, huh?

Going hiking again tomorrow, where you're out in these parts bears arent so rare, its just more common to see then driving around then walking.

WOW! It is risky and cool at the same time.

By going to such places and seeing the natural scenery as we can see in the pictures, what are the trees and all the other things are looking more beautiful. And starts enjoying his life a lot.

absolutely, thanks for stopping by )

Most welcome.

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Such a beautiful weekend experience.

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