Return to Badian Heights: Exploring the Charm of Badian Highlands for the Third Time

in Worldmappin4 months ago

Blue Colorful Travel Photo Story.png

Hey, good day, Hivers! I am here to share my experience and travels in a place that I always visit—a place where I bond with my friends and family: the Badian Highlands in Badian. Let me share how I visited the Badian Highlands and the reasons why I keep coming back. I have a friend who's always there for me, even when I have nothing, and he always treats me. Whenever I'm short on finances, he's always there for me, starting from senior high school until now. He's a true friend. I am thankful that he became my best friend.




Back when I didn't have a motorcycle yet, one time my friends invited me to go on rides. Of course, I also wanted to experience such things to relax and release stress. During our first visit together, before heading to Badian, we stopped in Ronda to take some pictures because it was my first time experiencing the rides. Before taking pictures, we had lunch because it was already noon, and we didn't want to be hungry during the trip. After eating, we took some pictures to capture memories. For me, this hive is perfect for sharing memories with the important people in my life.


After taking pictures, we rested for a while, and then we continued our journey. While on the way, as we neared Badian Highlands, you could truly see its beauty. It's the kind where you can almost see the entire Badian, and we were excited to reach the perfect spots for taking pictures. Before reaching those perfect spots, we had to stop because we couldn't help but admire its beauty.


As we resumed our journey, upon reaching the front, the residents there informed us that we couldn't proceed because the road was still under repair. It was disappointing, but we went back and found another perfect spot to take pictures again. Our first visit to this place was a joyful journey. Even though we couldn't continue, we were still happy because we could see its beauty—the kind where you can truly see the surrounding islands and the sea.




Now, let's talk about my second visit to Badian Highlands, although not in much detail because we didn't stop at other places and went directly to the spots in Badian Highlands. This time, there were three of us, including another friend, and I had my vehicle. During our second visit, there was indeed some improvement because, if you recall, during our first visit, we were stopped by the locals there. However, on our second visit, this didn't happen anymore, and we were extremely happy. You could truly see the beauty of the place, and it felt so refreshing to breathe in the fresh air. At the end of our visit to this place, we were extremely happy because we were sharing our insights and experiences in our lives at that moment. It can help build trust among each other.




My third visit to Badian Highlands was different from the first two because this time, I was with my family. Although my older brother couldn't join us due to work commitments, the four of us—my dad, mom, youngest sibling, and I—went together. While we were planning our trip to Badian Highlands, my dad expressed his desire to visit and see the place. He suggested that I should be their tour guide since I had been there before. I was happy to hear that I would be their tour guide.


As we began our journey, halfway through, my dad noticed something about my driving. He mentioned that I was driving in the middle of the road too often, and I should stay closer to the side because many buses were overtaking me. He was concerned that something might happen to me. I was thankful for my dad's advice, and until now, I still remember his guidance, and I am truly grateful for it.


As we neared, we stopped by the town of Badian to buy food because there were no food stalls there, ensuring that we had something to eat if we got hungry. Our journey was incredibly joyful as I watched my family enjoying it. They were so happy with what they saw, and I was also amazed by the beauty of this place. It's not just about seeing the beauty of the place; it also brings a sense of relaxation with the fresh air around you. As we arrived, we took pictures to capture memories. In concluding my blog, I would like to thank God for keeping me, my family, and my friends safe. I hope that on my next visit, I can bring along the person I love because I want to show her the beauty of the place and share my aspirations for our future. Thank you for reading my insights have a good day, readers.


apparently in the Philippines, I thought it was in Indonesia @johnfritz246

No worries! The Badian Highlands are actually in Cebu, Philippines😅

It's nice that you all really enjoy the view together with your friends and family🥰. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you!🥰 We really do enjoy the view with our friends and family. 😊 Glad you enjoyed the share! I would like to invite you to join us sometime too!

I have been to the Badian Highlands once and the place is so amazing that it's worth coming back many times ❤

It sounds like you had an incredible experience at the Badian Highlands! It's definitely a place worth revisiting.

Wow! These were such nice road trips with your loved ones! The islands are so visible, maybe if I'd be there I can't stop myself from taking photos. 😆 Everything looks so refreshing and what's even more wonderful is you're with your family and friends. I hope I could travel there soon, at some time. ☘️💚

Yes! Road trips with loved ones are always special, especially with such breathtaking views.

Omg,it was captivating.

Omg,it was captivating.

Thank you so much! I'm glad you found it captivating.

Nice overlooking view and bond with the family. Thank you for sharing this place @johnfritz246

You're welcome! It was truly a special moment with my family. I'm glad you enjoyed the view through my sharing sir @intoy.bugoy.

it was a very pleasant trip, enjoying the scenery there was very beautiful

Beautiful scenery always adds to the enjoyment of traveling.

Wow! Road trips are truly amazing, especially when you're with your friends. It's a great way to release stress while enjoying the beauty of nature.

Yes @queeniemary! Road trips with friends are unbeatable. It's a perfect combo of stress relief and nature's beauty.

This is the most advantage of having a motorcycle rides, taking a time to stop by over the fascinating views. Thank you for sharing. Nice pics by the way

Yes indeed @mrexperienciado, motorcycle rides offer the advantage of stopping by fascinating views along the way. Thank you for the compliment on the pictures!

No doubt Badian Highlands is a great spot even based just on how many times you made your way there! But the view is no less impressive and I'm happy to discover a different perspective of Cebu through your post :)

Thanks @gabrielatravels! I hope you can visit there. Glad you enjoyed the different perspective of Cebu through my post!