Madrid: the Crystal Palace in autumn

in Pinmapple3 years ago

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Madrid Crystal Palace autumn panoramic
Madrid Crystal Palace autumn panoramic

Madrid, like all the great cities of the world, has many attractions with which to surprise all those tourists and travelers who constantly decide to come and share their many experiences.

Natural beauty
Natural beauty

For this reason, many of those who have visited us know that this city, like good wine, must be savored slowly, drink by drink, and make stops that warm the spirit and leave, at the same time, an indelible memory.

An ideal place to walk and enjoy
An ideal place to walk and enjoy

One of the most frequented places and that receives the most expectation among visitors, is our exceptional Retiro Park, which, as many know, is part of that brand-new Passage of Light, which UNESCO has recently nominated as a World Heritage Site.

Nile Duck Colony
Nile Duck Colony

Among its many attractions, possibly the most famous and why not say it, the most spectacular of them all, is that jewel of modernist architecture from the late nineteenth century, known as the Crystal Palace.

Mallard of the nile and common mallard
Mallard of the nile and common mallard

A Crystal Palace, which today I am pleased to show you with some extraordinary additions, which seem especially providential to expand its beauty and magnetism, even more so if possible, with the formidable colors of autumn -especially, in relation to a very type of tree. special, such as the water cypress- and the lively and at the same time exotic presence of a colony of animals, the Nile ducks -whose figures were already an important archetype in the wall paintings of the great Egyptian funerary enclosures, being related to the soul - who seem to have become accustomed without any qualms to the rigors of the climate of our city.

As they appeared in the tombs of the pharaohs
As they appeared in the tombs of the pharaohs

The Palace, in itself, displays an entire architectural bet, where fantasy, combined with the old Greco-Latin forms, constitutes a harmonious whole, little less than unique in its kind, if we understand such a concept, at least, within the peninsular areas.

Three beauties: architectural, animal and natural
Three beauties: architectural, animal and natural

Built especially in 1887, on the occasion of the Exposition of the Philippine Islands, by the architect Ricardo Velázquez Bosco - I have always wondered, if he had, perhaps, some kinship with Hieronymus Bosch, the famous Flemish 'painter of demons' - collaborating In ceramic decoration, nothing less than an artist of the stature of Daniel Zuloaga, this place constitutes one of the special attractions, I would not say that of the Retiro Park, where it is located, but also of that Madrid, whose romantic, cultural and its Complacency with biodiversity, both attracts global interest.

It might as well be Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake
It might as well be Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake

To see it, moreover, surrounded by a small but delicately charming lake -which in my opinion, would have also served as an inspiration to Tchaikovsky himself, had he met him when he composed his famous work- protected by an exuberant nature, through which to get lost in its fantastic corners and to be able to feel the thousand and one sensations of autumn colors that captivate the spirit, is, can you believe it, a luxury for the senses.

The beauty of the water cypress
The beauty of the water cypress

In addition, it must also be borne in mind that when talking about the Crystal Palace, we are not talking about a dead building exposed in a corner, but about one of the places that shares the limelight with the Reina Sofía Art Museum, in which Constant artistic exhibitions are held, which constitute an added attraction, giving it a playful utility, worthy of admiration.

The pigeon seems to want to warm itself on some leaves that look like fire
The pigeon seems to want to warm itself on some leaves that look like fire

And most importantly: it is a place with which to share a wonderful time, regardless of whether you go alone or with the family.

Classicism and Nature
Classicism and Nature


NOTICE: Both the text and the photographs that accompany it, as well as the video that illustrates it, are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore, are subject to my Copyright.

Romanticism and dreams
Romanticism and dreams

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A city that is also a home to animals is special to me. Madrid is a must visit, I hope one day.

Madrid is a great city. I am sure that if you visit it one day, you will love it.

What about Barcelona?

It is also a great city, multicultural and with a great attraction that is worth knowing.

sigo mejorando.
Poco a poco me iré comunicando contigo como antes.
he escrito nuevamente, participaré en concurso de teatro breve aquí en hive.
En steemit las cosas no andan muy bien, lo menos que hice fue llamarlos, sátrapas, me agarraron enfermo.
Pero eso ahora no me impota.
Saludos pergrino.

Lo principal, mi pana, es ir solventando la solución, siempre para adelante, con mucho ánimo, que como dice el refrán, no hay mal que dure cien años ni tampoco cuerpo humano que lo aguante. Las plataformas, mi amigo, son como son y no sirve darse de cabezazos contra ellas, sino continuar esforzándose e intentar brillar por mérito y esfuerzo propios. Talento a Vd. ya me consta que le sobra y que dejará demostrado cuando vuelva a recuperar esas fuerzas perdidas. Un abrazo

Gracias, amigo

Stunning photos!
Thank you for sharing with us 😃

Thank-you very much

What a beautiful walk and with the autumn colors, the reds make the landscape much more romantic.
I love ducks from Egypt to Madrid there is only one step, big but step and here they feel at home with the mysterious lake.
From the palace to say, all glass and so beautiful
I liked walking this day of gray weather in my city to a bright and colorful day
Happy saturday friend

It could be said that it was a perfect autumn day, where the walk became even more pleasant, because it was the right temperature, the covered sky covered the sun's rays and in the pale spectrum, everything seemed to acquire more tonality, more beauty, more sense of transmutation. The Nile ducks are another exotic attraction, although in reality, I believe that this colony belongs to another of Madrid's emblematic parks and was provisionally transferred to the Retiro by the effects of the storm Filomena that devastated Madrid in January. Happy day

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For this reason, many of those who have visited us know that this city, like good wine, must be savored slowly, drink by drink, and make stops that warm the spirit and leave, at the same time, an indelible memory.

I couldn't agree with you more. The Crystal Palace is like a great-tasting wine that must be enjoyed sip by sip. Add to that the colorful season of autumn, then you have the perfect concoction for an unforgettably heartwarming journey. Here's my high toast to this marvelous jewel of architecture! 😊

I toast with great pleasure, because I know that I have in front of a person who knows how to appreciate beauty in all its extensions and I know that she is also sensitive enough to go beyond the simple vision of things. Seeing without feeling would not make sense and it would be a contempt for both Art and Architecture, as well as for Nature's own gifts. Cheers, my dear friend and thank you very much for your kind comment.