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RE: A Tour of Historic Chester's Roman Walls

in Worldmappin2 years ago

I love the sentence:

from running your hands over the stones or spending quiet time in meditation to place yourself in the mindset of an ancient people.

It is just what I do when visiting the historical sight. I am amazed at how luxurious the ancient Roman bathing hall could be. I have also learned 3 new words: frigidarium (cold room), tepidarium (warm room) and caldarium (hot room).
Thank you for allowing me to join your journey through historic Chester, it is the first time for me to hear of this name though. I'm looking forword to reading your next blog about it.


Hi @kaixin

I'm glad I could help guide you through the historic city of Chester.

It is just what I do when visiting the historical sight. I am amazed at how luxurious the ancient Roman bathing hall could be.

I know what you mean, it is important to feel a place properly... my uncle who I was visiting kept getting embarrassed and calling me a Hippie... but no one was bothered other than him 😂 Yes, it is amazing how advanced the Romans were in many regards... but they were also the most ruthless and brutal force in the world at the time. The dichotomy of humankind.

I have also learned 3 new words: frigidarium (cold room), tepidarium (warm room), and caldarium (hot room).

They are interesting ancient Latin words (frigidarium/tepidarium/caldarium), but definitely not common English words in usage today, just so you know 😉

Thanks for visiting my travel blog, I have not been writing much poetry recently and what I have been writing is being saved for submission to mainstream journals. I did put up a performance piece the other day in case you're interested, it is me performing two poems at a local poetry night. But they are very political poems, and that might not be your cuppa tea as we say here 😂

Here is a YouTube version in case you want to hear the voice behind the words, I thought they might censor it but it seems they don't care about people with 13 followers on YouTube 😂: