in Worldmappinlast year

Hola queridos amigos de Hive, feliz inicio de semana.

Me ha tomado un tiempo recuperarme de mi pierna de un pequeño accidente que tuve al llegar a Estados Unidos.

Ha sido momento de empezar a caminar y retomar la vida normal asi que eso significa volver a las fotos cada vez que salga, por ahora todo es nuevo para mi asi que me encanta ver con ojos de turistas y disfrutar cada cosa que veo.

Uno de mis lugares favoritos ha sido Washintog me parece que es un estado que tiene mucha historia para contar sobre este país y además tiene una arquictura muy antigua y bonita.

Esta vez visitamos el museo y recorrimos algo de sus calles asi que les voy

Hello dear friends of Hive, happy start of the week.

It has taken me a while to recover my leg from a little accident I had when I arrived in the United States.

It's been time to start walking and get back to normal life so that means getting back to the pictures every time I go out, for now everything is new to me so I love to see with tourist eyes and enjoy everything I see.

One of my favorite places has been Washintog, it seems to me that it is a state that has a lot of history to tell about this country and it has a very old and beautiful architecture.

This time we visited the museum and walked some of the streets so I'll show you around.

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Primero les enseñaré mi outfit porque hacía un poco de frío ese día entonces toca abrigarse mucho. La verdad no estoy acostumbrada a llevar tanta ropa encima pero bueno es lo que toca por el frío.

First I'll show you my outfit because it was a little cold that day so it's time to wrap up warm. The truth is that I'm not used to wear so many clothes on me but it's what I have to do because of the cold.

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Buscar estacionamiento alrededor de los sitios que vas a visitar a veces puede ser engorroso entonces decimos caminar mientras tanto y disfrutar un poco de las calles y la vista desde afuera, siento que Washintong parece como una parte de Europa, es mi parecer.

Looking for parking around the places you are going to visit can sometimes be cumbersome so we say walk around in the meantime and enjoy a bit of the streets and the view from outside, I feel that Washintong looks like a part of Europe, that's my opinion.

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Además me parece una arquitectura bastante fuerte e imponente, la verdad muy lindo. Me gusta mucho aquí.

It also seems to me a quite strong and imposing architecture, really very nice. I really like it here.

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Ir al museo requiere de mucho tiempo porque de verdad son muy grandes la verdad y creo que una o dos horas no es suficiente para verlo todo pero sin duda lo disfrutas si eres amante de la historia de la naturaleza.

Going to the museum requires a lot of time because they are really big and I think that one or two hours is not enough to see everything but you will certainly enjoy it if you are a nature history lover.

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Había un cuarzo gigante, me encantó demasiado hermoso.

There was a giant rock quartz, I loved it too beautiful.

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El lugar por dentro es precioso, mantiene su tematica.

The inside of the place is beautiful, it maintains its theme.

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Incluso quedé sorprendida sobre lo imponente que son algunos animales y de hecho con algunas cosas de nuestra historia como seres humanos. Hice varios videos y espero subirlos pronto por aca.

I was even surprised about how impressive some animals are and in fact with some things of our history as human beings. I made several videos and hope to upload them here soon.

Hasta pronto amigos, nos vemos en un próximo post ❤️

See you soon friends, see you in a future post ❤️



I was there a few years ago it's very nice but I prefer NewYork

I hope to go to New York soon

YAY! I lived in DC for years and love it there. So glad you liked it.

Yes thank you I loved it, I lived close by and I love going to DC.