Fantastic day at the Oktoberfest in Munich 🍻🎡 Eng - Esp

in Worldmappin8 months ago (edited)
Hello everyone! 💜

It's almost Christmas, and maybe it's a little late to post this, although I've been planning it for a while. Still, I would like to share with you my experience about this popular Oktoberfest held annually in Munich, Germany.

Something funny is that although the festival is called Oktoberfest, it is celebrated in mid-September and lasts until the beginning of October, but it is not celebrated in this month. I wanted to go for a long time, but I hadn't had the opportunity, so although I only went for one day, I enjoyed it a lot, especially because the one held in that city is iconic and traditional.

First, I took a train from the city of Innsbruck, in Austria, the trip was a bit long, almost 2 hours, so I arrived a little overwhelmed at the main station, right at this station is where you have to get off to go to space where Oktoberfest is celebrated. The station is huge and even has bathrooms for showering and changing, so if you don't like traveling in traditional clothing, you can change at the station.

¡Hola a todos! 💜

Ya casi es navidad, y quizá es un poco tarde para postear esto, aunque lo estuve planeando por un tiempo. Aún así, me gustaría compartirles mi experiencia de cómo fue este popular Oktoberfest celebrado anualmente en Munich, Alemania.

Algo gracioso es que aunque el festival de denomina Oktoberfest, se celebra a mediados de septiembre y dura hasta inicios de octubre, per no es propiamente celebrado en este mes. Hace mucho quería ir, pero no había tenido la oportunidad, así que aunque fui solo un dia, lo disfuté mucho, en especial porque el celebrado en esa ciudad, es icónico y tradicional.

Primeramente, tomé un tren desde la ciudad de Innsbruck, en Austria, el viaje fue un poco largo, de casi 2 horas, así que llegué un poco agobiada a la estación principal, justo en esta estación es donde hay que bajarse para ir al espacio donde se celebra el Oktoberfest. La estación es realmente inmesa y tiene icluso baños para ducharse y cambiarse, por lo que si no gustar viajar con el traje tadicional, te puedes cambiar en la estación.

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The space is free to enter, luggage and bags are left at the entrance, and inside you can consume a wide variety of beers, visit the large tents, and try typical food. And there are many small shops serving desserts, sweets, and various drinks.

In addition to that, there are many mechanical attractions, fair games, and musical shows inside the tents. It's best to arrive early to have a lot of fun, and I recommend using the attractions before drinking beer, especially because of the amount they serve you. Because if not, you can get dizzy and have an accident 😅.

El espacio es de entrada libre, en la entrada se dejan equipajes y bolsos, y adentro puedes consumir una extensa variedad de cervezas, visitar las grandes carpas y probar comida típica. Y hay muchas pequeñas tiendas que sirven postres, dulces y bebidas varias.

Ademas de eso hay muchas atracciones mecánicas, juegos de feria y shows musicales dentro de las carpas. Lo mejor es llegar temprano para disfrutar mucho, y recomiendo usar las atracciones antes de tomar cerveza, en especial por la cantidad que te sirven. Porque si no, puedes marearte y tener algún accidente 😅.

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Of course, it´s not necessary to wear traditional clothes to attend, but it is fun to do so, and if you are local, it´s custom. Women's suits are called dirndl, and men's lederhosen, are accompanied by typical shoes and accessories such as hats and jackets.

I was able to wear a dress, but I didn't wear the full outfit, so I used sneakers. At this time it is autumn season, luckily this was a sunny day, but still, it is cold, so it is best to wear a thick jacket and special socks.

Claro que para asisitir no es necesario usar las ropas tradicionales, pero es divertido hacerlo, y si eres local, es totalmente una costumbre. Los trajes de mujer de denominan dirndl, y los de hombre lederhosen, y se acompañan de zapatos típicos y accesorios como sombreros y chaquetas.

Yo pude usar un vestido, pero no usé el atuendo completo, así que con zapatos de goma. En esta época es temporada de otoño, por suerte este fue un día soleado, pero aún así, es frio, así que lo mejor es usar chaquetas gruesas y medias especiales.

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There are also these typical cookies of the season, they come in different sizes and are decorated with all kinds of messages, they are ideal as souvenirs or as gifts.

The prices are a bit high, I remember paying 10 or 15 euros for beer, and the food dishes were also a little more expensive than they normally cost, but everything was very good. The tents are incredible, and seeing the waitresses carrying so many beer mugs was impressive.

The attractions were between 6 and 10 euros, and many of them were incredible. Although I only managed to get on one because I had had too much beer and although it was fun, I felt like everything was spinning... it was funny but not very pleasant, so I couldn't use them anymore.

Existen también estas galletas típicas de la temporada, las hay en diferentes tamaños y los decoran con todo tipo de mensajes, son ideales como souvenirs o como regalo.

Los precios son algo elevados, recuerdo pagar 10 o 15 euros por la cerveza, y los platos de comida también son un poco más caros de lo que normalmente cuestan, pero todo estaba muy bueno. Las carpas son increíbles, y ver a las meseras llevar tanta cantidad de jarras de cerveza, fue impresionante.

Las atracciones rondaban entre los 6 y 10 euros, y debo decir que muchas eran increíbles. Aunque solo logré subirme a una porque había tomado mucha cerveza y aunque fue divertido, sentí que todo giraba... fue gracioso pero no muy agradable, así que no pude usarlas más.

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Then I took a walk at the end of the afternoon, everything lit up and it was very nice. Finally, I had dinner at a restaurant a few blocks from the place, and I returned to the main station. At night a lot of people are just entering the festival, or you get a lot of people in their costumes wherever you go.

I was very pleased to have the Oktoberfest experience. I would like to repeat it and go to more attractions and try more things since there is a lot to do and time passes quickly.

I hope you liked my post and can visit this festival sometime!

Luego hice un paseo al final de la tarde, todo se enciende de luces y es muy lindo. Finalmente, cené en un restaurante a unas cuadras del lugar, y me regresé a la estación principal. A horas de la noche mucha gente apenas está entrando al festival, o consigues mucha gente con sus trajes por donde sea que vayas.

Me agradó mucho poder tener la experiencia Oktoberfest. Me gustaría repetirla y subir a más atracciones y probar más cosas, ya que había mucho por hacer y el tiempo pasa rápido.

¡Espero le shaya gustado mi post y puedan visitar este festival alguna vez!

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By @kitzune Check my account for more stories like this and the original art that I create. :)

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The place looks very lovely, especially at night✨.
What's that you wore around your neck, is it edible chocolate?

It was very nice at night with all the lights and the cool weather, I really liked the atmosphere.

The necklace it's a sweet cookie 😅, it's not chocolate flavored, it tastes more like cinnamon and it has a soft texture. You can eat it or save it as a souvenir for a while, which was what I did. 😊 They also have a written message, such as a love phrase, something funny or a congratulatory phrase.

They come in many sizes, but you can use the small ones as a necklace.


Really!! It looks cute, I wouldn't have been able to guess it wasn't chocolate.

I would've done the same thing, I mean save it as a souvenir😅.

Do you get to choose the type of message they write for you?

My cousin chose it for me 😅, it says something like "Little bee", so it was just a sweet message. And yeah! those are very cute, the design is very traditional and colorful. ❤️

You had a wonderful time.
And why only one photo with a mug of beer?😀

Hello, thanks for your comment! I did have a nice time there 😀, I'm not too used to drink beer, so I drank only one 😅, but it's because that jar has almost 34 oz (or 1 liter) it was very big! 😆

very nice place..

Thanks! It is!! Very nice and friendly 💜