Exploring Store Bay In Tobago, Our Most Exciting Beach Visit Yet!

in Worldmappinlast year

It Kept Getting More And More Exciting!


Today we head to Store Bay Beach in the lovely little island of Tobago! The Photos you are about to see are some of the rarest you will ever set your eyes upon as the airport is literally next door and drone flying is usually prohibited but I asked permission and was allowed to fly at a safe altitude. Store bay is by far the most popular and most visited beach on the island and boasts of pristine blue waters and white sands! I managed to capture some of the most tremendous things during this rare flight of the drone here that I did not at all expect!


You would notice that the waters are so calm here for extremely relaxed bathing and it feels like taking a dip in a pool. We were here quite early and there were not many people around. The proximity to the airport and subsequently the hotels and resorts is why this beach is so popular with the tourists! You can get a feel for how the whole beach looks form the wide angle shot above.


This is what it looks like on the shore itself. It was a clear and sunny day and the beach umbrellas that are free to use were quite the life saver in the scorching Caribbean sun. The sands were white and very fine due to the dead corals that come from the nearby famous Buccoo Reef. You can only access boat tours of the reef from here as well so the usual plan when anyone visits is to bathe here at Store bay then take a boat tour to the reef at the end! You will get to see one of the boats in a bit.


You can get an idea of how high the waves were as they gently folded upon the shore. I managed to capture one as it crested but I assure you its not as rough as it even seems to be form this shot above. The waters are so clear they look like frozen glass!


Even in this one above, see how the water looks like glass! In the distance at this point I heard a loud rumbling of an engine that interrupted the tranquility and quiet of the beach as I took shots of the place. I could see a boat with three people on it approaching!


This is the left hand view of the beach itself and the boat came in slowly to a stop near the sands of the shore. It was such an awesome looking sports speed boat. I could not help but zoom in to get a better shot of the commotion, the engine still roaring as it idled.


They seemed to be doing some last minute fixes and maintenance of the sort before moving on and just stopped by at the bay. I do not know if you can notice but there was also a lot of smoke that was coming from the vessel and by the sound alone, it seemed to have so much power!


This is the left hand view of the beach with a glass bottomed boat in the background that are used for the Buccoo Reef Tours! I just love how the water looks here as well. The boats usually anchor there, fill up with passengers and then head out.


These aerial shots of the beach which are so rare, are my absolute favorite! Look at that water! I don't think anyone has ever flown a drone here due to the airport and the view of water at a high angle gives you the best colors as opposed to if you were standing at ground level!


The people seemed to not even know that there was a drone flying around as they frolicked and played in the pristine waters. Seeing this from the drone viewfinder, I could not at all wait to jump in as you can imagine but since this was such a rare opportunity, I just needed to explore more of the beach first!


I flew past the glass bottomed boat to see what else I could find and I noticed a few children walking on the edge of a large ledge. I was not sure what they were going to do and so I immediately stopped and tried to get closer to them as I had a feeling they were going to jump and that would be amazing to capture!


Indeed they were! You can see in the photo above that one of the boys had already taken the plunge and was actually already under and another was in mid air! I had never in my life seen this done before and I was quite glad to capture it!



Here ins another angle and another is mid air as well before hitting the waters! They seemed to be having the time of their lives even though it looked like something they did quite often for fun. The last one hit the water with such an explosive splash. It seemed as if the boy days of long ago still thrived unbothered by technology here!


Flying further in the same direction, I found Coco Reef Resort that has an awesome private beach cordoned off by large boulders! The waters were even more calm there but it seemed to be quite empty. A stark contrast to how it usually is.


Even lower down was another beach that was very populated and seemed to have a lot more going on. There were so many brilliant colors that just tells a lot about Tobago itself!


Two children on a kayak saw the drone as they were paddling around in the clear blue waters and frantically waved at the camera trying to get my attention the whole time. I flew over for a few seconds to let them know I saw then then headed back to Store Bay as I was running out of battery!


As I was flying back some guys were having a jet ski race of sorts. I was flying so low and they zoomed past me so quick but I managed to get the above shot before that and I quite life the symmetry of it!


Store Bay had never a dull moments with things to see and capture that was so new to me. If I had never flown that day in this location, I would never have been able to see and capture the boys jumping, a video that went viral in my country as it was something we never saw before in our sister Isle! The aerial view that gave an even better rendering of the water's color were also my favorite. Thanks a lot for coming along, Cheers!


Wuao, beautiful photos, that crystalline color of the sea, you have had a magical and relaxing experience.

Glad you liked the photography! It was definitely magical and unforgettable!

We were here quite early and there were not many people around.

That is so enjoying. I also love to travel a place where I can reach out faster then others. This is a lovely beach. I hope you had a wonderful tour here. Good wishes for you.

Early bird gets the worm as they say! The tours are something we always do, so this time we did not but next time we definitely will!

The shore, the sand, the blue waters- the beach and the view, all look spectacular. This is a perfect place to relax, enjoy and just enjoy what this beautiful place has to offer.

Thanks for sharing.

My pleasure, I cannot get enough of tobago, even when we leave, it remains on you calling you back!

Surely, you left your heart in this paradise.

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It's very beautiful, you can imagine how it would be if you were there at that time.

The sky, the sound of the waves and the wind definitely make the mood better. The beach is my favorite place, and it's really good!