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RE: Nguyahan Beach : The Best Place To Rest And Sipping Coconut Water

in Worldmappin2 years ago

I don't think I've worked with Raw image, not that I remember. I mostly have mine as jpg. You sort of remind me that I might need to change my file to raw but darktable and lighroom should work as well. I use them on my phone since all of my laptop are on linux xD so def not Adobe friendly.


I looked at Lightroom, and it looks excellent, but the yearly subscription stopped me. They also say that you cannot work with raw files but have to work with JPG, which is altered by their servers. I don't know when the review was written so this may no longer be the case. After doing a search for best photography apps, most reviewers said Snapseed was a must for photographers. So at the moment, I'm using a combination of snapseed and pixlr.

I have heard of snapseed but never really tried it. Some people here especially the macro shots folk are using it. I wonder how that'll turn out. Guess, I'll just wait for yours and see if that is worth trying.

I just found an even better piece of software. It's called Olympus Workspace for desktop. This is exactly what I was looking for. It allows you to make changes that can be easily undone and do not get applied until you export that image. If you open the same image later with OW, then your edits are still there and can be changed. I like that the process is not linear but you can see all the edits at once, so you don't have to peck around for the edits. Loving it!