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RE: Music, Winds of Change and The Long and Winding Road

in Worldmappin7 months ago

I'm so glad I found this post to read today, Monday, right after spending a weekend indoors, not seeing the sun, working on the computer. The idea of going off around the world in a van after I retire makes me fall in love.

I love your narrative, the photos, the song you chose... But most of all, this touched my heart:

Kinda like most of humanity, really. Only most folks are too busy trying to survive to "see" this part fully. Yet. I hope one day we realise that, by working together, we may actually beat the dysfunctional and corrupt systems that are holding us captive. And that we will naturally thrive more, as individuals, as an outcome of this.

I have a book written in my head about this subject; I can sum it up--deficiently--by telling you that I wish bad people didn't exist, so that we wouldn't have had to make the world a prison, which in the end, imprisons and enslaves those who love more than those who hate. I'm convinced that only the wrong people make it to the highest positions of power, my friend. Good people just can't stomach all the horrible stuff that goes with it. I know I sound pessimistic. But if you see it as I do, we can rejoice that there are people who are not willing to sacrifice their souls.

Have a great week. Hope you find a nice place to move and that you can keep all the happiness you need!


Oh hello, fellow traveler and meet @corvidae up there.

We've just been trying to manage the sinking feeling from the utter chaos unfolding in the world right now.

Please see the above comment!

And yes. The shit heads are running the show and it's why they end up at the top. As you said. But... see here? We more gentle humans are coming out of the woodwork and finding each other. Strength in unity. That's what it takes, perhaps. And yes. We are going to have to learn how to fight this insanity.

And eventually, even better, how to not let them get into those positions in the first place ;)

What work do you do, if you don't mind me asking. Actually don't. I suspect you need some rest as well so I'm coming to find you in the morning to find out more about you. Edited because now I must know! - do you chef?

One thing you can be sure of is that you're most certainly not alone <3

Edited because now I must know!

This part made me laugh, hehe. I used to work alone as a professor at the local university in my state, but for the last twelve or thirteen years, I've also been working as a cosmiatric dermatology assistant--my sister is my boss there--. Cooking is a hobby, and Hive makes it a few dollars better, as well as making it more motivating in general.

I have done many jobs in my life, but the plan was just to be a teacher; that changed when the economy collapsed in Venezuela and teachers became a annoying liability for the Government. I never had the strength to quit the university even though my salary there was enough to pay for a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread once a month--now it's like 80 dollars a month--, all benefits lost (no health insurance). Sometimes I spend more money on coffee and sandwiches for my students than what I get for my job. I don't resent it; I'm just showing you the facts. Anyway, I should be retired by 2028, hehe. Whew!

...I studied another career back in 2009 and became a cosmiatric assistant; that's what pays the bills. I have my practice inside my sister's office, who is a dermatologist and my supervising doctor. So Monday through Thursday I'm in my hometown working as a teacher and on the weekend, I'm in the neighboring state working my second job. In short, yes, I need a break.

But don't get me wrong. Most people who live a decent life over here work two jobs or more. I'm not a special case.

The word bewarea also caught my attention, btw, hehe. I need to create a equivalent word in Spanish, but it's going to take me a while.

Sorry for the long reply. It'd be shorter if you had asked me what's the meaning of life 😂 I would've said: "I'm not sure, but we must make sure it means something dear for all."

"I'm not sure, but we must make sure it means something dear for all."

I think you nailed it 👍

And also. Live it! Because it has some incredible moments and we shouldn't waste the experience.

Ah... same out here in ZA. Most people work a few jobs. I think this is the state of the world now for we "normal" folk. Sadly :|

And usually both parents out here as well. :(

I still don't understand why teachers get such shite pay. Arguably the most important position / job on the planet. Just weird. And it sounds as though your kids are lucky to have you. I had a good teacher who, literally, changed my life. We are still friends to this day.

Have you seen the new cake and confectionary artists that are taking the world by storm? 👀

I'm mildly obsessed with this now and would like to learn this art as well.

I still don't understand why teachers get such shite pay. Arguably the most important position / job on the planet.

The quickest way to domination. Freethought is dangerous for tyrants.

Have you seen the new cake and confectionary artists that are taking the world by storm? 👀... I'm mildly obsessed with this now and would like to learn this art as well.

It amuses and obsesses me a little, too. I wish I could learn all these things. In general, I like to learn almost everything about cooking, as far as my time and attention allow me to.

How I'd love to stumble upon your amazing creations here on Hive in a few months and say, wow, she actually did it, hehe.

The quickest way to domination. Freethought is dangerous for tyrants.

WOW. Okay. There you go *salutes

How I'd love to stumble upon your amazing creations here on Hive in a few months and say, wow, she actually did it, hehe.

And so you shall :D

These days, I "just do it!" (Nike)

Life's too short not to, you know.

I am so glad we found each other!! 💥😀