
Holy smokes Melinda, that sounds pretty bad. But hey, your comment was a ridiculous 9 days ago so things may have already gotten better. Sorry for the unbelievably late reply, I had no idea it was this long.

I've heard from reliable sources that a weaponized virus attack is going to be launched soon on the U.S. so get stocked up. You probably already are though. But warn the kids that it's a strong possibility and soon.

I was thinking of you today and wondering why it has been so long since I heard from you.
That sounds like a bad Sci fi movie plot, but in this insane world it has become almost believable. I'm pretty well stocked up.

I'm sorry I was off here for so long. A couple of nights I got ready to come on here and I fell asleep! Just flat out fell asleep and woke up an hour later and went to bed! I don't know what that was about but I was pretty disappointed.

We'll see what happens but not only are intelligence sources warning about a virus attack but two of my favorite ...I don't know what to call them..they aren't pastors but they hear from God. lol...anyway, they both warned to get stocked up because a weaponized virus will be released.

Who ever it is that want to destroy us think they can break us because we're already limping along from the coronavirus. But it might not happen at all, let's hope not.

Did the Ecency website work out for you?

I certainly hope that can't be done, but I'm glad I'm not in a city. It makes me worry about my Chicago kids.

Howdy Melinda! I did get hooked up with the ecency site on my computer thank God! That is so nice to be able to use from my own computer thank you.

From the updates I've seen this week those two revelators(probably spelling that wrong but referring to people who get revelations from heaven) who hear from God...they are saying that since they sent out those warnings several months ago that many attacks have been stopped because so many people are praying. (And I trust these people because they have a long record of being very accurate in what's coming.)

So the threat is significantly diminished but of course there is still a probability of an attack and I agree about the cities. Your kids are probably in a pretty safe neighborhood though, I bet.

I feel so bad about all the riots in Wisconsin. Who would have thought that Wisconsin would be a hot spot for rioting? And why would an officer shoot someone like that knowing the tenderbox that it would ignite? I know it's a stressful job but I don't see why he shot that man, especially 7 times! Holy moly.

It is an insane world we are living in. Glad to know they feel the risk has been reduced, but we seem to move from one Calamity to the next oh, so nothing would surprise me at this point.

Kenosha is near the Illinois state line. It's between Milwaukee and Chicago and is not a rural area like most of Wisconsin is.
Such a horrible situation.

Howdy again Melinda! Thanks for pointing that out about Kenosha, I should have looked up the location myself. I just think of Wisconsin as being such a beautiful state with dairy and agriculture production(and the Pack! lol) that the rioting was even more shocking but now it makes more sense.

We do have some crazy things going on but I've never been so excited for the future of the United States. From the information that the Revelators are saying that God is getting ready to do here along with the amazing advancements in technology and medicine that is's just astounding.

We already had many companies moving back from overseas because of the lower tax rates but the covid thing has many more, hundreds more, coming back to the U.S.
Large ones too. It'll take some months for them to get set up again here though.

So we are coming into a golden age of manufacturing, business, and biotechnology explosion the likes of which we've never seen before. That means record unemployment and tremendous strength and prosperity also.

The Revelators say that cures for at least 5 major diseases will be developed and those will be no more.

I think we'll have a rough period probably until this time next year with people going berserk in November and causing chaos so it'll take some time to work through all that and for things to calm down.

But crazy politics on both sides will not stop the great changes and blessings that are coming...nor stop the good things God is wanting for this country. He still has big plans for us. lol.

@janton Love your optimistic attitude! I am so 'one day at a time' and try to stay in the moment, or at least in the day. And today the sun is shining! 🌞😎