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RE: Open-Air Museum of Ukrainian Culture in Svidník

in Worldmappin9 months ago

Hi Martina,

I loved this visit to the Open Air Museum. It's just that when I see things from Ukraine or Ukrainians they immediately catch my attention, as I was born there. Well, I was born in Kiev in the former USSR. ;)
The point is that it is very nice to be able to know how those people lived and you are right about something, their lives were very simple. We have many things today that they didn't have before and things that are true, they make life easier, but they are also harmful to our health and to the environment.
I imagined you playing as a child in the hay and I even saw the snake, you have a very direct and beautiful way of telling things.
The weed itches... hahaha it's true. The skin can't benefit from that hahaha. However, in childhood we perceive everything differently.
School, orthodox church, landscapes... everything is so beautiful. I would also sit and enjoy my latte near those geraniums. (Here in Havana we have an orthodox church, I think I'll visit it and take some pictures for Hive).

Thanks for such a nice post.


Thank you for your thoughtful comment 🙂

So how did you get to Cuba? Did you parents move over there?

I still feel that snake 😂 It scared me for life!

You should, I would love to see that church in Havana 🙂

Have a lovely day!

So how did you get to Cuba? Did you parents move over there?

They were studying there. They are Cubans.

The thing is that now I feel I don't know where I'm from. hahahaha...

No, don't tell me, the snake must have been terrible. I don't like snakes, although I don't see them often and I live in a quite rural and natural area. In Havana, but in its green areas.

Ok. Noted about the church


Oh, probably because of the similar regime, right? I have never heard of Cubans studying in Ukraine though 🙂 Do they also speak the language?

There are luckily not many snakes where I live now and none of them are venomous, so even when I see one I just run away, but I'm not scared for my life 😂

It was in 1980 when I was born. At that time Cubans went to the Soviet Union to Czechoslovakia and other countries in that area... I think Bulgaria too.

Yes, my parents speak Russian. They wanted to teach me something, but I haven't really been very interested.

So you were left with a snake phobia... ophidiophobia.
