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RE: I ate fried scorpion at Khaosan Road

in Pinmapple2 years ago

It's nice to see it getting busier again down there. The wife and I often have a ride down for a night out but usually end up chilling out on Rambuttri, the next street across. In the old days, it was the place to go for fake driving licenses and degrees to get teaching jobs lol

But wait, weren't you staying in nice hotels during your trip here? I thought it was illegal to go to Khao San unless you hadn't showered for a week, were staying in a 200baht a night hostel and dressed like you were homeless! You're gentrifying Khao San you traitors!

I love how much you loved it here. Get an education visa the pair of you and move over here.

As for eating the scorpions....I'd rather starve but if you ever visit Samui, I'll get you some fresh ones from the garden :-)


thought it was illegal to go to Khao San unless you hadn't showered for a week,

Really?? I never actually stumbled upon ragged-looking people haha actually they're on their party outfits, which was cool! Maybe times have changed and after pandemic people learned how to shower 😂

Hahah yeah we loved it and I still have a few Thailand posts to make, then it's done :'( I'd rather starve as well than experiencing that uncomfortable itch again!