Finding the Founding Father

in Worldmappin25 days ago

Welcome stranger,
I'm glad to see you again, come closer, I have a story for you.
I had a dream, a lucid dream, some nights ago.
In my dream, I find myself on a serene hill in France.
And there, appears before me, like a vision....

As I approach, the chapel’s thick, curving walls and sweeping roof seem to breathe, moving like a living sculpture. The roof floats above, as if defying gravity, allowing beams of light to slip through and dance around me.


Inside, I am enveloped in a space that is both simple and profound. The walls are alive with colors from irregular, stained-glass windows. The light filters through, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadow, making the concrete walls glow with a warm, almost magical hue. Ahead, the altar stands under a slender, bright window, glowing with an ethereal light, drawing me closer.

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It is more than a building. It is a sanctuary where peace and reflection are tangible. The chapel feels as if it has grown naturally from the hill itself. In this space, I feel a deep connection to the architecture, as if it touches my very soul.

As I take in the scene, a Japanese man sits quietly in a corner, meticulously sketching the interior of the chapel, capturing its essence with each stroke of his pencil. His presence adds a sense of reverence to the space, as if he too is trying to understand the mysteries held within these walls.
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Outside, a gentle breeze carries the fragrance of flowers tended to by a kindly gardener, urging me to awake from this enchanting dream and return to the world beyond. Reluctantly, I open my eyes, but the memory of Notre Dame du Haut lingers, a testament to the power of architecture to touch the soul.

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And so be it stranger, now you can share what you learned to your kids and to your people, for there won't be forgotten the beautiful Chapel of Ronchamp.

Goodbye , farewell


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That's an interesting dream. I don't remember dreaming about any place I want to visit on this world but I guess that's some sort of travelling too until you get to taste the real feeling.

🤩 !PGM

Che bomba! 🔥