Bucket List State Sign Selfies No. 18: Tennessee

in Pinmapple3 years ago

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No. 18 - Tennessee

April 3, 2019.. On my way down to Tennessee to a friend's house to crash on his couch until I'm on my feet again, I cross the state line from Kentucky and stop for a quick selfie. I had always wanted to give living in Tennessee a shot and with my marriage coming to a rough end, and a worsening drug problem, I decided to give it a go and spend time working myself out.

I spent a short year there, and had some wild, fun, and eye opening experiences. Heading back to Illinois due to the 2020 shutdown, I came back with some different perspectives from my time there and I most definitely miss certain parts of living in that beautiful state.

I'm going back for a visit later this month and I'm looking forward to revisiting some friends and experiencing a little more of the atmosphere.

View this post on TravelFeed for the best experience.

Well as an Aussie I sure envy you actually being able to travel. Best of luck on your trip!

Thank you! It seems the travel ability may be hindered a bit soon here too, but I hope not!