
in Worldmappin2 years ago

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I wrote this post in English and Slovak language.

The other day I was walking around the city, or rather I was going home from work, and I found out that the city has somehow become more beautiful for us. I don't mean new, sidewalks or roads, even though they repaired those too. But that's because the city council elections were coming up. At that time, everything starts to be repaired, even if the weather is not the best for it.

We mean the transformation of dull walls of buildings, blocks of flats or garages into works of art.

I stopped by them for a moment and admired the skill of the people who sprayed them. The motives are different. Inscriptions, cartoon characters, but I was most interested in motifs with animals.

Beautiful and elaborate details and those colorful colors with which the light rays play. A joy to watch.

I was intrigued and wondered where such works could be found everywhere. I found out that this year in our city, in Spišská Nova Ves, there was a part about the most beautiful graffiti under the name Graffiti Villa Nova 2022.

When I went to high school, about fifteen years ago, graffiti art was rather harmful in our town. Everyone who had a spray in their hands wanted to sign and write something stupid in the most visible place. So that everyone can see it. Sometimes also a newly insulated block of flats, which then had to be cleaned. And of course it was sprayed at night so the police wouldn't catch them. It was horrible.

You can see how this art is progressing and undoubtedly this is how graffiti artists gain the support of the general public. They attract the attention of representatives of cities and entrepreneurs, and it is not an exception that someone calls them to spray something nice and themed, for example, on the wall of a company. Come to think of it, it's not a bad ad at all.

For example, this horse is drawn on an insulated block of flats, and I think it's amazing. Well, tell me. If someone were to scribble some kind of sign there, most people would not even come. Maybe they would thunder that the sprayers destroyed the facade again. However, more than one passer-by took a picture of this work.

But funny characters can also get me. Just about everyone knows The Simpsons, and I saw just about every episode in college. It always makes me happy when I go through the subway and see Homer and his ass. Sometimes it doesn't take much and the mood is immediately better.

Personally, I also really like this work sprayed on the side wall of the garage. I feel his love for animals and that is close to me.

Not only flowers or renovated houses, but also meaningful graffiti can beautify the city and make life in it a little more attractive.

At the end of my post, I will show you some photos of graffiti that you can see in Spišská Nová Ves.

Well thank you.


Minule som sa prechádzal po meste, teda presnejšie som šiel z práce domov a zistil som, že sa nám to mesto nejako skrášlilo. Nemám na mysli nové, chodníky či cesty, aj keď aj tie opravili. Ale to preto lebo sa blížili voľby do mestského zastupiteľstva. V tom čase sa začína všetko opravovať, aj keď na to nie je najvhodnejšie počasie.

Nám na mysli premenu fádnych múrov budov, panelákov či garáži na umelecké diela.
Na chvíľu som sa pri nich zastavil a pokochal som sa šikovnosťou ľudí, ktorí ich nasprejovali. Motívy sú rôzne. Nápisy, kreslené postavičky, no mňa najviac zaujali motívy so zvieratami.

Krásne a prepracované detaily a tie pestré farby s ktorými sa hrajú svetelné lúče. Radosť sa na to pozerať.

Zaujalo ma to a tak som premýšľal, kde všade sa takéto diela nachádzajú. Zistil som, že tohto roku sa v našom meste, v Spišskej Novej Vsi, uskutočnila súčasť o najkrajšie grafity pod názvom Graffiti Villa Nova 2022.

Keď som chodil na strednú školu, cca pätnásť rokov dozadu, bolo v našom meste umenie grafitu skôr na škodu. Každý, kto mal v rukách sprej sa chcel podpísať a napísať nejakú hlúposť na čo najviditeľnejšie miesto. Aby to predsa každý vidiel. Niekedy aj na novo zateplený panelák, ktorý potom bolo nutné vyčistiť. A samozrejme sprejovalo sa v noci, aby ich nechytili policajti. Bolo to hrozné.

Vidno, ako toto umenie napreduje a nepochybne si takto získavajú grafiťáci podporu širokej verejnosti. Získavajú si pozornosť zástupcov miest a podnikateľov a nie je výnimkou, že ich niekto zavolá, aby mu niečo pekné a tematické nasprejovali napríklad na stenu firmy. Ono keď sa nad tým zamyslím, nie je to vôbec zlá reklama.

Tento kôň je napríklad nakreslený na zateplenom paneláku a podľa mňa je to úžasné. No povedzte. Ak by tam niekto načarbal nejaký nápis, tak by sa pri tom väčšina ľudí ani nepristavila. Možno by hromžili, že zase sprejeri zničili fasádu. Pri tomto diele sa však nejeden okoloidúci vyfotil.

Vtipné postavičky ma ale tiež vedia dostať. Simpsonovcov pozná asi každý a na vysokej škole som videl asi všetky časti. Vždy ma poteší, keď idem cez podchod a vidím Homera a jeho zadok. Niekedy netreba veľa a nálada je hneď lepšia.

Osobne sa mi veľmi páči aj toto dielo nasprejované na bočnej stene garáže. Cítim z neho lásku k zvieratám a to mi je blízke.

Nie len kvety či renovované domy, ale aj zmysluplné grafity vedia skrášliť mesto a urobiť život v ňom o čosi príťažlivejší.

Na záver môjho príspevku vám ešte ukážem zopár fotografií grafitov, ktoré môžete vidieť v Spišskej Novej Vsi.


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They did very well. 👏 That surely gives a beautiful and colorful atmosphere in your city. No doubt people will take a picture of it, or even have a selfie with it.

Wow! What an amazing street art you found 🤩 The horse and elephant are my favourites 💙

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Některé ty kousky vypadají k světu :) Na české/slovenské poměry je to slušná práce...

@tipu curate

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