
Well thank you @priyanarc, and thanks for dropping me a line. Funny how some of the best moments in life are the ones that didn't cost anything. Or was it the ones we don't remember? 🤔 Nah, gotta be the free ones.

Well, the best moments are not costly I think, I don't remember a 5-star hotel dinner but I remember a nice park instead...

Very well said. The food was probably good, just not sure what I had. But views and nature and the feeling of free tastes way better than that meal.

I just checked out your recent 3speak video. I can't even pose for pictures! Kudos to you being so comfortable in front of the camera.

Hahaha , see you remember the beauty of the park rather than food :D... Yes, I have been making videos for a long time, almost 2 years but still, I struggle talking in front of the camera with a proper accent like other vloggers :D

Be proud of your English. I've toured many countries, 13 to be exact and I'm always so impressed with how well everyone's English is. I'm American so, you know, I only know English thanks to my indoctrination system but I've managed to pick up a little Spanish and Greek.

An accent is expected but your English is spot on. Good for you @priyanarc.

Thank you so much, now I am practicing to learn Russian as I Iive in Ukraine and it's quite an interesting language as well. Slowly, I am learning and kinda enjoying my slow language learning journey :D Nice to meet you :)

It's a pleasure to be met @priyanarc.