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RE: A Brief Jaunt to Spain and Goin to Church

in Worldmappin3 years ago

As for no accident I appreciate the confidence. I got 3 people in the works and I think they will be great on here. One dude is doing up his future dream home, a bus, ones a pilot and the others homeless living in his van. But I've said if he records his adventures here he can have full use of the facilities and of course my fine redneck cuisine.

To be honest he knows he can use my place anyways.

I'm old school, if you wanna help someone out show them people care, the following I've gained is way more important than the rewards. I'll post for a 0.001 reward. I also got a bad habit of getting carried away.

The confidence of getting people to read what you have to say? Priceless.

People like yourself, and the ones I mentioned and do mention. That's why I'm here.

It feels honest and simple. I don't have to worry so much about what I say.

Btw- your hydro and general electric post is awesome, I started a reply and tried to reblog but my connection has been a C U N T

Im comfortable with anything under 400v but damn man that's a serious service. I got a buddy who used to install 3 foot diameter copper rod at a power plant, sounds fuckin terrifying


It's a living thing. A living, breathing thing. Scared will get you killed as I'm sure aware. Thanks dude, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Seems I'm not done running my thumbs yet...

Watch this:
"Home is in the intellectual capacity to be happy."

Dope right?? A 'homeless guy' named Mark taught me that. I don't quote many people other than myself, that's one of the brightest things I've ever heard. Let me know if you need help onboarding those three. 👍🏿

I Will do man, i shared some of my favorites on here and they all are well interested. Home is where the dinner is that's for damn sure.

Things with volts get aggressive fast, once got passed a live 3 phase cable, 400v no earth, old school. That shit hurt, I'm still convinced it's why I'm bald today. My buddy working solar power plants once got stuck to a unlimited 300ma 12v supply, not a phone charger kinda thing

was apparently much worse than a equivalent ac current. He had to be jump started by a defibrillator. Heart stopped the lot. Fair play to any lineman.

Electric ain't no joke, I'm comfortable around the house but once shit gets complicated I call an elechicken.

Don't fuck with it if you ain't 30000 percent sure it won't kill someone else, suicide is a choice.

22 years no one on my watch got hit, never. But wait, it gets better.

No one on any crew I was ever on got hit. It gets better.

No one on any job site I was ever on got hit. The whole project.

When Pura meets brothers, often times they'll initiate the conversation, how I'm the only one they know with that on their resume.


(Not cool gettin me talkin about myself on your blog)