Reminiscing My Visit to Venice, Italy

in Worldmappin2 years ago (edited)

Venice is a popular travel destination in Italy.

Two and half years ago, I stayed two nights in Venice on my way to Rome to celebrate the Easter Tridium. It was my third time to visit Venice.

A souvenir from my first visit.

Water Taxi Ride

Photos and gif in this article by silversaver888

Taking a water taxi when arriving in the evening in Venice, Italy is most picturesque. Entering this gorgeous and historic Italian city of Venice through the Grand Canal is totally romantic.

The ambiance and colors of Venice are breathtaking and special in the evenings. The downside is: the fare between Marco Polo Airport and my hotel in central Venice is pricey!

My hotel was located by the waterside. The convenience of not having to walk some distance with my luggage in the evening on my first night in Venezia made taking water taxi a great use of travel money.

It took 20 to 30 minutes for the trip between Venice Marco Polo Airport and this waterside hotel in the city center. This photo was taken approaching my stop. Going under this popular bridge to disembark in front of the hotel was just an added thrill for me, and felt ceremonial, LOL!

Piazza Di San Marco

Photos and gif in this article by silversaver888

The top attractions on the Piazza Di San Marco are:

The Basilica di San Marco (St Mark’s Basilica) is the cathedral church of Venice. It houses Saint Mark’s relics.

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The Campanile di San Marco, the bell tower of St. Mark’s Basilica. It is the tallest building in Venice. At the top of the Tower is a golden statue that represents the archangel, Gabriel.

Here are 360 degrees views of the Piazzi di San Marco.

Palazzo Ducale, the Doge’s Palace was originally a fortified castle founded between the tenth and eleventh centuries. The building has been the doges residence and public offices since the old castle was built in 810. During nearly 1,000 years, 120 doges ruled over Venice from the Doge’s Palace.

[//]:# (!pinmapple 45.433792 lat 12.340392 long d3scr)

The Columns of Saint Mark and Saint Theodore The two columns are made of granite and marble and were placed near the entrance of the square in 1172. During the eighteenth century, public executions were held between the two pillars. You can see the Columns of Saint Mark and Saint Theodore on the photos above.

One of the rules of Piazza San Marco: it is forbidden to throw rubbish or feed the pigeons. Obviously, the rules are not enforced.

The Rialto Market

Photos and gif in this article by silversaver888

Let us go to the market!

And it was not the "busy" season yet!

Gelato burger!

Italian seasonings galore!

There is no farmable land here; so no meat, dairy or grains. Originally constructed of wood, the whole city was a fire hazard; so no wood-burning ovens for pizza. As a trading city though, Venice did have access to spices from around the world, not to mention endless access to fish.

I had Pasta al nero di seppia (Pasta in Squid Ink Sauce) for lunch!

It was delicious!

Here is a recipe of Pasta in Squid Ink Sauce. This is a recipe which I use.

I have many other photos to share with you, but chose mostly those that are not usually shown of Venice.

This last photo was taken the morning of Palm Sunday, as the palms that will be used for the celebration were being unloaded from the boat.

From Venice, I headed to Rome and celebrated the Paschal Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday) and Easter Sunday at the Vatican.

[//]:# (!pinmapple 45.488226 lat 12.315127 long d3scr)

Oh, I'd like to share a memento during my first trip to Venice. I was 24 years old then. What can I say...

I am enamored by the city!


All photos, gif, and video were taken by me with my iPhone6, unless specified,

and were previously shown here.

Thank you for stopping by to view this article.

I post an article daily, and I hope to see you again soon!

Hugs and Kisses 🥰🌺🤙!!!!



This One should put a smile on your face Ms. Saver @silversaver888

A man applied for a job as a janitor at a large corporation and was invited for a job interview. The HR manager offered him the job and asked, “Can you please give me your email address so l can send you all the documents?”

The man answered,” I don’t have an email address or a computer for that matter.” The HR manager was shocked. “Then I’m sorry. Without an email address, you won’t exist in our system and I can’t give you the job. Goodbye.”

The disgruntled man left shaking his head. He looked in his wallet and found a ten dollar bill. This gave him an idea. He went to the supermarket and bought ten pounds of apples and then went door to door selling them. An hour later he had $20 which he used to buy more apples. He continued this process until late in the evening at the end of the day. He went home with $160 in his pocket.

The man continued his door-to-door sales every day and developed a feeling for what people want and need. This gave him more business ideas and eventually, he could afford a bike and then a delivery truck and then his own store. A few years later he had his own chain of supermarkets.

When he got older he started to think about retirement and leaving something behind for his family. He consulted a financial advisor to find out how he could leave an inheritance. When they were finished with all the financial planning the advisor asked the man for his email address so he could send him all the documents. The man answered, “I’ve never had a computer or an email address and I never will. Please send me everything by regular mail.”

The financial advisor was surprised and said, “You built your entire empire without a computer or an email address? Imagine where you’d be today if you had used those things.”

The man answered, “I’d be a janitor.”

What is in the middle of nowhere?
The letter H

Credit: reddit
@silversaver888, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @stokjockey
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/1)


I Knew You would Like that One Honey............
Life is only as complicated as we make it.................
Got to Get Out and Smell the Roses........

Thank You Honey
and being a Janitor is Noble work.............

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Wow, what a beautiful place. All the exotic herbs and specialized wines, it looks like a fun place to shop and explore.

You can explore the island in a day, if you want to, hehehe!
It's very old! But the people are very friendly.
(The older ones, I think they have had it with tourist!!!)
If you visit, in the Piazza is the Palazzo Ducale. Doge’s Apartments are beautifully decorated
with works of art by Veronese, Titian and Tintoretto. They depict the city’s history.

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Went to bellagio, bologna, Milan, and Venice during vacation.

Awww.. I envy you! I'm stuck in California!
I dunno if I will be able to make a trip this year!
I can't even go to LV!!!

I'm going March 6 to vegas for my 21st birthday celebration

I envy you X two!!!

What beautiful @silversaver888, it must have been amazing to arrive like that at the hotel.
The not so much shown areas of Venice make this an unique collection of photographs.
Thanks for sharing.

I've shown these photos about two and a half years ago.
I'm reminiscing... hehehe 😍😁
See, I am showing it again for my new friends like you!
And I love Venice, @littlebee4!!!

Good that you do, as I wasn’t here then 😉 hehehe
Thank you.
I also love going through photos from vacations and remember.
Haven’t been to Venice but visited Rome a few years ago. Hope soon we can travel freely again. 🥰

I love visiting Rome!!!
So many places to visit!😍😍

Yes, Roma has so much to see. I could wander around a long time.


"Italian seasonings galore" was the most salivating part for me here. and the ancient map, ofc - I am a fan of such vintage stuff, you know. sadly your smart cant do the job right in the evening - you should do these captures in a light of a day!


You and my sis @kerrislravenhill should get-together! She is into vintage stuff too.
This map is a copy, I bought it for cheap, about $33 I think.
I just changed my Iphone to an 8, hehehe! Way too far from the new one, but much better that my 6S.
Thanks for the PIZZA!

It looks really beautiful there, sis! I will have to say though.......I think I'll pass on the squid ink sauce with pasta! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely evening!🤗😘🌸💖

Hehehe... it is good! Give it a try, sis! Hehehe😍
You make me chuckle...
Would it be nice if you and I can go for a vacation in Venice?
And there are so many other small cities in Italy you'll fall in love with them.
Oh, I forgot, you have to go with @silvertop, hehehe!

It would be cool! We might could let him come, lol! hehehe!

Venice looks Beautiful @silversaver888, will you return on a future vacation? What a busy place, and net even the busy season of the year!!!😀

I surely will return the fourth time!!!
But, first to Hawaii!
I wonder if I can go this year?



Why do ghosts like to hang out in bars?
They enjoy the boos.

Credit: reddit
@stokjockey, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @silversaver888
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/4)

Take lots of photo's if you go to Hawaii @silversaver888 we haven't ever been to the Islands...🙂

If I go, for you, I'll take lots of photos.
We I was there last.. two years???... I didn't take much.
I was at the beach all the time!😍

Sounds like a very nice vacation @silversaver888, I hope you get to return soon!🤗

Awee this is awesome, so beautiful.
The closest I've been to Venice is when I READ the Shakespeare MERCHANT OF VENICE 😆😆

The fruits and is that black pasta, o my! Trying out Cuisines is my favourite part of any trip.
I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation it looks a beautiful place.
Hugs and kisses back ❤️🤗

You would be fun to go on a vacation with!
When you and I will go, we'll taste all the foods we have not tasted!
You'll love the public market of Rialto.
Oh, and we can have a fish pedicure.
And we can go for Gondola ride all over but of course the Grand Canal!
We can go to the Bridge of Sighs before we head home like the prisoners who would cross the bridge for the last time.
Hahaha 😍
Hugs and Kisses❤️🤗!

Awwee Yasss💃💃

I've seen this fish pedicure on Instagram, an experience to look forward to.
😎😆Awesome... glad you have the whole trip planned for maximum fun😉. It's a small world, anything is possible. So cheers to Venice🥂


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You are welcome @silversaver888, that's with pleasure! We wish you a happy buzzy week 😊👍🐝

Yes, busy, busy!!!

We were there on a sunny week in spring years ago. With Petra in Jordan it ranks #1 of most impressing places I have seen. All that history you see exactly as it is on old paintings (no cars spoiling the picture, just tourists). We bought a ticket for unlimited boat acces and hence I did boattrips all day!

Hehehe... those boat trips are a blast!!!
It is great to see the city riding a gondola!

I Love Italy... Thanx for the photos

Don't you just love it!
Which city is you favorite?

Turin definitely!!!

I've been there! We visited Piazza Castello with Palazzo Reale, Royal Palace, with the fountains ...

Italy has never attracted me, but my husband has long wanted to visit Rome and Venice. Wow, so many people in such a narrow street! I wonder if there is a feeling of dampness there? Oh no! these black Pasta are not for me 🙊😅

All streets are narrow, and it looks narrower when there are so many people!!!
Remember, this is prior to Covid, hehehe 😄
So, have you been?
Hahaha... it takes a certain kind to like these dishes 😍😁

I realized that you were there before covid - people without masks. I don't really like places where there are too many people and not enough space. so I never wanted to go there. besides, I do not like dampness and it seems to me that it is terribly damp there.

Don't worry about dampness in a place like this.
It is an island.
And you know, there is always the marine layer that takes all the "dampness" away.
This happens several times a day!
It is a small place!

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Hi @lizanomadsoul and @pimapple!
I surely will continue to support the others.
Thank you so much!

OH, I remember you sharing this trip.


That's all I can do for now... reminisce.

Hugs and kisses, sis 🤗🌺❤️

At least you've been there.
I have to go by my imagination, time travel, and think of a historical love interest followed by action and adventure.

Someday, you shall go!!!!
Perhaps with somebody you care about!
You will take gondola ride towards the sunset!
In the evening, you will attend a masquerade ball...

I always wanted to go to Italy, wanted to explore the Roman Empire but so far no luck. I basically wanted to see Venice, Rome and Milan, heard so much about them, and always wanted to see beautiful roman architecture. I am sure for you it was a memorable travel experience... If you get a chance to visit Italy again, will you go?

Totally impressive. Thanks for showing us part of your travels, I love to see new places. Of course the ideal is to do it in person hahaha but I still enjoy comnociendo places through others. Your photos are amazing, Venice is an incredible destination and I love that you highlighted so many interesting details. Thanks for taking me with you for a while 😄.

Aah, the history and romance of Venice. Great post @silversaver888 ... special memories! Cherish them!

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

The memories are fast fading away...
I thought I'd show the photos again!
Hehehe 😍

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment