"Discovering the Hidden Treasures of Castel Roncolo: A Journey Through Medieval Splendor in Trentino Alto Adige"

in Worldmappin6 months ago


Hello dear friends, I'm back with a post that I think could be very interesting, about a beautiful place I visited thanks to an organized group tour of a stunning castle that I didn't even know existed. It was all thanks to a dear friend of mine that I could participate in this guided tour, so I'm delighted to share these photos with you.


Today, I would like to talk to you about Castel Roncolo, a medieval castle practically in the municipality of Renon in Trentino Alto Adige. In reality, the name wouldn't be exactly this because it would be in German, but since Trentino Alto Adige is part of Italy, the name has been somewhat Italianized. The castle is quite famous, although, as I mentioned, I had never come across it before. It's not far from Bolzano and stands on a cliff overlooking the Talvera stream, allowing for a view of the city of Bolzano.



I was fortunate that our group was led by a really knowledgeable guide who told us a bit about the history of this castle. Most notably, she made us understand that it became famous over time because it houses a cycle of secular frescoes created in medieval times, around 1400. These frescoes depict various aspects of life and culture during the court's era. That's why these frescoes are called secular, as once in castles, frescoes were simply created for the lords who inhabited these important manors. It's truly unusual to find a cycle of frescoes like this. I had visited other castles, but I had never had the opportunity to see something similar.
I must say that ever since I fell in love with art, and I've been studying it for many years since I was a child, the structures that have always drawn me are castles. They are such unique places that always enclose enormous secrets.




As you can see in the photos, there's a nice climb to reach the castle, so comfortable shoes are a must. There's a small fixed bridge where there used to be a drawbridge. Inside the main part of the castle, besides the frescoes that have been restored over time, there are also medieval objects that have been found. This is fascinating as it takes you back in time. You can explore many rooms of the castle and then stroll in the wooden structure that faces the typical courtyards of South Tyrolean castles where guards used to be stationed.
I was told that in the coming year, they plan to enhance the visit further by applying 3D technology with specially designed glasses, allowing visitors to experience the medieval era firsthand. I had a similar experience in Milan, and I really enjoyed it, so I think it's a great idea.




The guide kindly explained that the courtyard area, where a small stage has been recreated, is used in the summer for concerts or theatrical performances, attracting people from the entire region. This, too, is something I love because it provides the opportunity to enjoy this artistic beauty in another way, such as through a concert or theater, which are ultimately integral parts of art.



In conclusion, I can say that Castel Roncolo was a beautiful discovery. Perhaps, at first glance, when you arrive and see it externally not well-maintained, it might give you a bad impression. However, it's precisely inside its rooms that it hides many secrets and artistic beauties. If you're interested in visiting, and you happen to be in Trentino Alto Adige, the entrance fee is €8 for adults and €5.50 for children. I spent more because it was a guided tour organized by bus, so I had the convenience of starting from home and being taken there. Still, I highly recommend a visit to this place.

I hope you enjoyed my photos. Thank you for the time you dedicated to reading the post, and I'll see you in the next one, wishing you all a wonderful day!


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Excellent post, thank you

I love these old buildings! And it looks so well preserved too!

A post that reeks of history. Objects that have survived since the 1400s... Wow. You should definitely go there again next year. Also I think the 8 euro entrance fee is very reasonable for such a historical and beautiful place. On behalf of the Pinmapple community, thank you for showing us such a beautiful place!🎈🍍

A post that reeks of history. Objects that have survived since the 1400s... Wow. You should definitely go there again next year. Also I think the 8 euro entrance fee is very reasonable for such a historical and beautiful place. On behalf of the Pinmapple community, thank you for showing us such a beautiful place!

Thank you for your appreciation! I agree, exploring places with objects that have survived since the 1400s is truly a journey into history.

Hiya, @livinguktaiwan here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Travel Digest #2097.

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Thanks for swinging by and letting me know that this post made it into the Honorable Mentions in Travel Digest. I appreciate the recognition!

Welcome back! Your post about Castel Roncolo is really fascinating. The medieval charm of a hidden gem and a cycle of secular frescoes add uniqueness. The prospect of 3D technology enhancing the visitor experience next year is an exciting addition. Thanks for sharing this great find and your photos are incredible too.

Thank you so much for the warm welcome and for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the post about Castel Roncolo. It truly is a hidden gem with its medieval charm and the cycle of secular frescoes.

it's the most interesting part to declassify the hidden special place