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RE: A few hours hike to Scropoasa Lake in the middle of the Bucegi Mountains, Romania

in Worldmappin6 months ago

A part of me wants to see a bear in real life but I know they're dangerous. Seeing that sign might terrify you because a bear attack is the worse a traveler can experience. I like that there's a station selling goodies in the forest!


It is not very advisable to meet a bear face to face, because they are wild animals and we are their guests in the forest.
A few years ago I had the opportunity to see some bears in reality, I was on my way to an accommodation in the mountain area of Harghita County, Romania, and these bears were walking on the side of the road, but I saw them from the car, I didn't have the courage to get out of the car.
When we arrived there, at our accommodation, we were warned not to walk in the evening on the streets or in the forest, as we might be lucky enough to encounter bears.

Oh, I see. When you encountered the bear, did the bear do something like blocking the way? I wonder if there are domesticated bears. I don't know but they're really cute animals even though they're very dangerous.

Domestic bears do not exist or at least I have never heard of such a thing.
When we met those bears they were on the side of the road, they came down from the forest to the side of the road and here the tourists were feeding them, not a very well thought out thing because sometimes bears can become aggressive.

Oh, I think it's funny to imagine a domestic bear. Anyway, do all bears really attack humans in the road, I wonder.

Let's not forget that bears are wild animals and we humans are guests in their home, so sometimes they can become aggressive.
Here in Romania, there have been many bear attacks and, unfortunately, several deaths as a result of these attacks.
Bears have descended on the streets of cities in search of food, spreading panic and fear in the streets.

It's sad to think that bears are not social animals and they don't like being friends with humans. It must be a nightmare encountering bears. What I do not understand is why bears are portrayed as pets in movies and cartoons haha, at least they're domesticated there and not shown as a wild terrifying animal.

I too am sorry that bears are seen as such, but we can't fight it and we have to respect them because they are labelled as wild and dangerous animals.